New Greensburg tornado video for sale

Oct 26, 2007
Topeka, Kansas
I now have available my coverage of the Greensburg tornado on DVD. It
includes footage taken of the tornado soon after formation, through footage
of the monster wedge as it demolishes Greensburg. It shows many views of
the tornado as well as slow-motion, and stills. Additional video taken the
next day shows the Stafford, Kansas funnel-producing wall cloud. this video
is about 34 minutes in length. Cost is $25. Stills also available. Phone # 785-
286-1635. e-mail: [email protected]
I just finished watching Rick Schmidt's video while he chased the Greensburg tornado. It is after dark but there are some amazing images of the massive wedge during flashes of lightning as it approached the town. The wind howls in the background. He also has some stills and slowed shots to easier visualize the details of the tornado. I was impressed by the quality of the video stills made from lightning flashes. There is also video of the Stafford wall cloud and funnel from the next day.

Bill Hark
Rick Schmidt's DVD was very compelling to see. It's very erie the way the Greensburg tornado develops from a small cone to the 1.7 mile wedge as it enters town. We get a glimpse here only briefly with lightning flashes and slowed down views but Rick's full-time naration as the events unfold make it seem like we are hearing a murder mystery in the dark. I'd recommend this DVD as a companion to Darin Brunin's great coverage of May 4th on the SO2007 DVD as another perspective on this event.
I bought a copy of Rick Schmidt's Greensburg DVD after viewing some of
it at the Kansas chase party last fall. This was a night tornado, so
there is a lot of black screen at first but hearing the inflow wind in
the background and his narration of what he is seeing is engaging and
eerie. He got some amazing backlit lightning shots of the
tornado as it hit Greensburg and did a good job documenting the
evening as it was unfolding, showing how dangerous night chasing can
be as his vehicle hit pieces of debris after the tornado passed. I also liked
how the video ended with a nice montage of stills taken by Rick a few
weeks after the event.

I think Rick did a fine job not only chasing this storm, but
videotaping it. If you are collecting footage from May 4th 2007, I highly
recommend it.

In my opinion, the DVD is a bit pricey for one storm, so I would
recommend to Rick that he put together a collection DVD with some of
his other chases. Rick has been chasing for over 25 years and has
some great footage of many awesome tornadoes.
After giving some thought to Shawna Helt's suggestion, I have decided to throw in my Highlight DVD from the years 1990 to 1997, with the purchase of the Greensburg DVD. Some of you may have that on VHS tape, which includes footage of the 1992 Plainville supercell, and begins with a still of the Hesston tornado. Those who have already purchased the Greensburg DVD, e-mail me off list, and I will get you this other DVD at no charge. ----Rick Schmidt
[email protected]