New GOES satellite to launch in 2015

The lightning mapper, a first, will help forecasters predict tornadoes that often form in severe thunderstorms, said NOAA. Most tornado warning times, now 13 minutes on average, will grow by 50%, Goodman says.

Lightning mapping to predict tornadoes? Anyone know anything else about this? Are they using lightning strike density to predict updraft strength and intensification, or watching for polarity switches?
Not sure why this is news today, it was announced about a decade ago ;)

"The lightning mapper, a first, will help forecasters predict tornadoes that often form in severe thunderstorms, said NOAA. Most tornado warning times, now 13 minutes on average, will grow by 50%, Goodman says."

I hate when program leaders say STUPID things just for the PR or making Congress happy or whatever the reason...
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These typically slip 2-3 years given that it is still seven years out.

There is a tie between lightning and tornadoes but unless the satellite lightning mapper can sense polarity (I don't know whether it can), it won't be much help in finding tornadoes. I suspect this is largely press release 'hype.'
