New COMET module: Weather and Road Management

Feb 8, 2005
Metropolis, Illinois


The COMET Program is pleased to announce the publication of Weather and Road Management. This 3-hour module provides an overview of weather, weather hazards, and forecast products and is primarily aimed at employees in state departments of transportation. While it is not designed to turn this audience into forecasters, it will help such persons better interpret weather forecast information obtained from commercial services, the National Weather Service, the Internet, and the media. The module is available online at

More Detail:
Anticipating and dealing with weather and the hazards creates a real challenge for transportation managers, and the information in this module can help in the decision-making process. The module begins with a basic discussion of meteorology and what makes weather, ranging from how local factors such as how topography can affect weather to wider-scale influences such as El Niño. Another section talks about the weather forecast process-why it is an imperfect science and how you can deal with that uncertainty. We then describe those forecast products that are available on the Web from the National Weather Service (NWS). These products can be a valuable addition to any forecast information you already use. The section also provides a brief overview of observational, satellite, and radar data that can help you project when hazardous weather might move into your area of responsibility. The module also describes various weather conditions that result in hazards to transportation and lists the NWS products that address those hazards.

The module requires the Flash 8.24 player (or higher) to provide the animation sequences. The most recent versions of both Internet Explorer and Netscape will have the Flash player plug-in installed. Users of the Firefox browser must download and install the Flash player plug-in independently from installation and update of the browser version. To install the Flash player, follow the directions in the Tech Notes for each module.

NOTE TO NWS and other NOAA EMPLOYEES: This module is available in the NWS Learning Center ( Please access it in that system in order to get credit.

We welcome any comments or questions you may have regarding the content, instructional approach, or use of this module. Please e-mail your comments or questions to Vickie Johnson ([email protected]) or Pat Parrish ([email protected]).

For Technical Support for this module please e-mail [email protected].


Wendy Abshire

