New AT&T (formerly Cingular) plans for iPhone (is it a Chaser Player?)

Mar 21, 2005
Kearney, NE
With these plans, is the iPhone/AT&T a stormchaser player? Even the least expensive plan ($59.95) includes unlimited data but I'm not sure about AT&T's network coverage (particularly in AlltelLand). Also not sure if the fine print prohibits tethering.

That's one sexy phone (actually, a lot more than just a phone) and works with Windows or Mac, but also one of the most expensive "phones" you can buy. iPhone available beginning 6/29.

I'll be interested to see the real reviews for this after its release. I'm really not sure about the smooth touchscreen interface and whether it is an improvement over buttons/keys. It looks awesome, but its all about functionality. Apple normally sets the pace in user interface, but this one seems counter-intuitive. Guess we'll see.
The iPhone looks like a neat toy, but what features would make it good for chasing? You need a full laptop to truly get the functionality you need for chasing like Grlevel3, Street Atlas, and GPS integration in both applications. If you are going to drop a few hundred bucks on an iPhone, why not spend a couple hundred more and get a full laptop with a data card?
I'd think it's a player if you can tether the phone to your notebook. The monthly service plan is a bargain then - as AT&T no longer offers the unlimited data plan for $20 a month like they used to. A data card is a cheaper initial investment, but with the monthly service fees for unlimited data you will quickly pay the difference back.
I'd think it's a player if you can tether the phone to your notebook. The monthly service plan is a bargain then - as AT&T no longer offers the unlimited data plan for $20 a month like they used to. A data card is a cheaper initial investment, but with the monthly service fees for unlimited data you will quickly pay the difference back.

Just to be clear, my initial sentiments are echoed by Glen. I am chasing with a laptop. I would use the tethered cell phone (with unlimited data) as the bluetooth modem for the laptop. I'm just not clear if it is comparable in coverage to the highspeed options from Alltel (for Nebraska, in particular).
Iphone will never have 3G so that is something that I would keep in mind before you think about buying one. It will only be able to use slow edge .
I'm not familiar with the Alltel service, but the new iphone is running on the old EDGE network, so the service will be quite slow relative to 3G networks. However, I'll take slow over expensive. The EDGE coverage is certainly quite good for most of the nation:


Where it lacks in coverage is particularly significant in the rural areas of the northern plains.


Looking at the Alltel coverage map - it doesn't look much better in that area, and far worse most other parts of the country.
I'm an Apple Consultant and I won't buy one. Not because it's not the best thing since sliced bread.. I just won't move to AT&T.

I'll wait for the new iPod with the same interface and use my laptop with a EVDO dongle for chasing....
Due to job security I can't say anything about the Iphone till Friday after 6pm. Then I can say what I want!

My God, why do you tease us?! We're waiting with baited breath!!!11 ;)

I agree with the AT&T sentiments -- while I've never used them, I've known quite a few people who used Cingular, and I've yet to find one who actually had anything good to say about the company. I also knew someone who had service with AT&T back before they spun it off, and she hated the AT&T service back then too, though mostly because they'd switched all new phones to GSM without remembering to actually build a usable GSM network first. All anecdotal, of course, but neither Consumer Reports nor JD Power has been very kind to Cingular, ranking them near the bottom of the heap of providers.

The iPhone would be a much handierdandier gadget if it allowed the use of WiFi signals without having to first purchase a Cingular data plan. A handheld mobile phone and device doohickey that hooks up with wifi is great, but not if they force you to plonk down $50 a month for EDGE before they'll turn the WiFi feature on. The pricetag on it also seems, to me, a bit silly for what it does.
I almost bought the Cingular 8525 which runs Windows Mobile 6 and can be teathered to your computer and it does 3g and wifi. Could not put the cash out then, but it can now be had for near $200. until the Iphone can do 3g I would not consider it for the price. If it goes 3g which the second version will reportedly do then it might be different.
I was just passed this story:

Apparently ATT is beefing up the edge network in response to the iPhone's release. This could potentialy benefit chasers who use this network. On the other hand, their efforts may be concentrated on the metro area, which are out of bounds for chasing. Also, as the article mentioned, it may just be to accomodate the strain the iPhone will place on the Edge network, instead of actually improving the network's speed or coverage.
We use AT&T with sony ericson cards all over the place other then some small holes in their network I can say its much better then the sprint covrage pre Altell but I have been with them for almost two years now with phone and over a year with data I like the network.

IPhone wise I'm all for it it made me some money today with the nice stock jump in the morning hours. I will have one most likely version 2.0 I never like to jump on the latest tech it always seems to burn... Anyway this is from a long time Apple user I own 17" MBP, Mini Mac, & Power Mac G5 other then small issues I have to say Apple hardware is far better then any old pc on the market...

All of this is just my view..
I almost bought the Cingular 8525 which runs Windows Mobile 6 and can be teathered to your computer and it does 3g and wifi. Could not put the cash out then, but it can now be had for near $200. until the Iphone can do 3g I would not consider it for the price. If it goes 3g which the second version will reportedly do then it might be different.

They can also be had for free along with the Treo 750 if you have a cingular premiere account . With a 1 year contract only :) Talk about smoke n hot
Problem is the majority of the 3G network AT&T is so proud of is only EDGE technology which is not even as fast as the CDMA Carriers ( Verizon , Sprint & Alltel's) 1xrtt coverage. The new technology that AT&T is slowly rolling out ( saying slow is being nice about it) HSDPA barely keeps up with EVDO Rev. 0 let alone the New Rev. A that Sprint and Verizon are racing out and Alltel will not be far behind. When it comes to Data coverage AT&T is just so far behind it is laugable and I really cannot see them gaining any ground in the forseable future. After all these geniuses spent 25 Billion dollars branding Cingular just to throw that whole concept away . If they would have spent a fraction of that on thier network or technology , they might actually be in the game.
I am am unbiased obserever that deals with Customers from all carriers so it is not like I am cheerleading for any of the other carriers