Brian A. Schmidt
Hi everyone. I'm hoping someone can steer me in the correct direction on my dilemma. I work in a newly created global security department of a Fortune 100 company and recent events have convinced us that we need to begin incorporating weather monitoring into our role. Specifically, we need to protect our property and personnel on a global scale. Travel is also a big issue since we have thousands of employees in transit at any given moment and we need to provide timely travel advisories. I would like to know if anyone here can point me toward websites or services which can supply us with up-to-date forecasts and satellite views for all regions. Most importantly, the website should be non-technical and easy to use-- because there will be multiple users and none of them have any education in meteorology. Does such a site exist? Anything you can recomend would be appreciated. Money is no object here BTW and the management would most likely want the best available. Thanks.