need a global wx website

Mar 10, 2005
Cincinnati, Ohio
Hi everyone. I'm hoping someone can steer me in the correct direction on my dilemma. I work in a newly created global security department of a Fortune 100 company and recent events have convinced us that we need to begin incorporating weather monitoring into our role. Specifically, we need to protect our property and personnel on a global scale. Travel is also a big issue since we have thousands of employees in transit at any given moment and we need to provide timely travel advisories. I would like to know if anyone here can point me toward websites or services which can supply us with up-to-date forecasts and satellite views for all regions. Most importantly, the website should be non-technical and easy to use-- because there will be multiple users and none of them have any education in meteorology. Does such a site exist? Anything you can recomend would be appreciated. Money is no object here BTW and the management would most likely want the best available. Thanks.
This sounds like the kind of thing that you would hire a third party firm to handle for you, unless you have meteorologists on staff to decode the warning text and have it sent to cellular phones or other mobile devices. A few companies that I can think of that do this kind of thing are AccuWeather (located in Pennsylvania), WeatherData (in Wichita) and Weather Decision Technologies (Norman), though there are many others out there that I can't think of right now.
Oops...sorry for not acknowledging your replies sooner but I was out of town. Thanks for the info. Tarmo, I will take a look at these. Michael-- good point, I guess I was assuming the data we got would be intended for the general public, much like what we see from TWC, NOAA etc.-- I just need global coverage from preferably a single site, and that is where the difficulty in finding one is.
I don't think there is one that does it good.

I'm curious what's it worth because I'm sure someone here could use the cash and could build such a site.