NCEP and EC grib download speeds.


Sep 2, 2004
Blacksburg, VA
Anyone else notice NCEP(nomads) and Environment canada downloads going horribly slow over the past few weeks, especially during peak GFS and GEM download times? Ive got 2 servers... one seems to be going a little faster than the other but both are struggling... some 30-120KB/s depending on the server.
NOMADS always seems to burp now and then, you might do better using one of the raw data sources at NCEP?
I switched one of my servers over to the NCEP FTP last night, and the result was even worse. I feel like the performance goes back and forth, Ive been using nomads for the last year and a half or so, and before that the FTP was faster. But now everything seems to be crawling, at least during peak times. Off-peak is better, i'm seeing 300-900KB/s or so, at least for the GEM test I just did(4 hours after the 12Z run was available).