My Greensburg, Kansas tornado footage

Jan 14, 2011
St. Louis
It has come to my attention that there is a rumor being spread around that my footage of the Greensburg, Kansas tornadoes on May 4, 2007 is suspect/fake/altered/misattributed, etc. I've been informed that this accusation is even being forwarded to television production companies, who have started questioning me about it.

I would like to ask the person(s) responsible for this rumor to publicly state why they believe my footage is suspect and provide whatever evidence they think they have that leads them to that conclusion.

I filmed the Greensburg tornado, which was illuminated by lightning flashes, with my Sony VX2100 video camera as I drove north on Highway 183. I also filmed three smaller tornadoes, two of which were ongoing simultaneously, east of the highway after the Greensburg tornado was no longer visible. I was driving my silver 2005 Ford Freestyle which at the time, was marked on 3 sides with my web site's logo. At least two other experienced storm chasers saw me/spoke with me on Highway 183 in the damage path that night and can verify that I was there. I may even be in their videos. I also can prove that I got gas in Coldwater after the tornado and spent that night at a hotel in Pratt, where I shared the room with two other chasers.

I would also like to state that the footage that has been released (in the hands of my agent and on Youtube) contains only cuts of the original. I have the original MiniDV tape which contains the entire sequence, some of which has never been posted or aired.

You can view my Greensburg footage here:

Feel free to correlate every frame of that video with video from other storm chasers and roadside markers, where the power lines were down, etc. Also, feel free to investigate every aspect of my footage, chase report and photos from that day. Everything can be proven and correlated.

My chase report for this event is here:

Again, this thread is to call out whoever is starting/perpetuating these false accusations and demanding they come forward with their reasons for doing so.

Thank you,
Dan Robinson
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Dan: The light blue sedan at 4:18 is my chase buddy Doug Nelson, and I pulled up shortly after in a black Ford Ranger. We all helped get power lines and poles off the road. I hope this helps confirm you at the Greensburg event.( I may be parked on the roadside in some earlier footage as well).
Unbelievable ... I agree with Jason it is probably some new person/people that have no idea what they are looking at.

Every couple weeks there is another chunk of chaser drama stirred up ... just chase people!
Being that I know you, there's no question it is "legit". If I didn't know you, I guess I don't see what the perk you would have in faking this. It's a night time tornado visible in only lightning flashes. It has your voice, your car, actual damage. Seems extremely authentic to me. Haters gon' hate.