Monster Storm (Thunderheads?) On Saturn-New

Good day all,

Below is an image of this thing ... Bigger than the earth!


Our atmosphere is mysterious enough, let alone a gas-giant planet which is essentially all (or 99%) atmosphere!

It appears much more than meets the eye is going on far below the clouds, as the storm appears to be basically like an "overshooting" top of something from the deep atmosphere that just happened to well-up high enough to be seen.

Note the eddy "trail" as well, as the upward motion invades the strong wind belts above it!
I read that the rounded area is 3600 miles across, which makes it half the earth's size. But the tail feature is tens of thousands of miles in length. As i said in the blog posting on the site, any lightning in this storm could easily incinerate a city! Imagine flying alongside this monster, just under the anvil portion-a giant dark mountain range of roiling clouds, glowing from within with continuous, massive lightning strikes. It would be the most terrifying, awe-inspiring thing ANY of us would ever witness.
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Our atmosphere is mysterious enough, let alone a gas-giant planet which is essentially all (or 99%) atmosphere!

At a certain point below the clouds, the pressures grow to millions of Earth atmospheres, and the heat grows to thousands of degrees. The atmosphere changes into a giant ocean of liquid hydrogen. It's this hell beneath the clouds that's fueling Saturn's ferocious weather.
The gas planets generate almost all of their heat energy from within and receive very little from the sun due to the distance involved.
It's hard to imagine the energy that would be necessary to generate an updraft capable of "breaking the cap" against such massive forces.