
Ok , this maybe a stupid question but what the hell . Is there a way to transfer chase video from a Mini-dvd to a PC ?

I'm assuming you bought a wonderful burn to DVD video camera? Those are for folks at home to shoot and display on their dvd player. Not for people who want to shoot video, put it in their computer and edit it with editing software.

Your option now is to find an editor that will recognize the files and open them and then edit them. One problem is though mpeg2 is quite compressed as it is already and wont edit easy.
They're probably VOB files, and I wouldn't recommend trying to edit them directly. You can use something like MPEG Streamclip to convert VOBs into something else that you can edit. I haven't bothered to look at what I'm losing in quality, but converting VOB to Quicktime, and then importing the QT file into Final Cut has worked very well for editing video that friends have sent to me on a mini DVD. will likely have some good advice on this matter.
Well left Sulphur late and forgot my still camera and the better video camera , I got lucky and had this one in the truck still . I guess I need keep them all back there lol. Thanks guy's I will give that a try.