Meteorologist Jobs!!

Aug 16, 2005
Albany, New York
Now that Spring is approaching (Thank goodness), it is also time that many of our members will be graduating and/or looking for jobs in the field. As the owner of a company, I have been getting some calls and emails about any job openings with Forensic Weather Consultants. At this point I do not have any positions available.

However, I do suggest that eveyrone check out these 2 sites that are full of Meteorology jobs. It is updated almost daily. There are truly some cool jobs listed that range from the NWS to NASA to commodity Trading Companies to Smith Barney, etc. It might be worth a look for those who are looking for a job in the field. Enjoy.
I'm confident Meridian in Grand Forks will have a couple forecaster slots to fill this summer. It's North Dakota but a plenty good chase season without the circus.
WeatherData Services, Inc., continues to grow. We have one meteorologist position open. If you are interested, please contact [email protected].

As many of you know, we provide site-specific storm warning services to clients throughout North America. We are an AccuWeather company based in Wichita.

Our website is: .
These sites may come in very usefull, in fact I imagine that they may be a necessity as I'm hoping to make it over next year from March - May (maybe permanently, who knows?) to hopefuly be able to chase, but it's only at the early planning stages yet.

I've had to wait too many years to chase already, and I'm determined as hell to get out on the plains and to chase next year.

Is there anyone from the UK who has immigrated to the US to live, and if so, what is the criteria/costs/requirements, etc?

If possible, please PM me the details, as they'd be very much appreciated.

Meterology jobs

I would like to get a job in meterology that does not require a meterology degree and pays about 100 K per year.
Let me know...:D

Yes I am joking!!! I will settle for 75K per year and I do have a face for radio..
Also Remember the Military is a great way to get in the weather field with or without a degree. Of course if you have one you'll make more money just like everywhere else but for those without one I personally feel its the way to go since you get all the on the job training you need.
I kinda like the thought of being able to possibly do some TV Network chasing/spotting, but not because of the money or being on TV or anything like that, but because if being a part of the media can help as an extra tool to get warnings out to the public that little bit sooner, then that can only help to try and save extra lives, after all, tat's what we're all here for :)

No matter how hard we try to understand severe weather, one can only do one's best that they can to help, and that is all that anyone can ask for :)
