Man films Rochelle tornado approaching and hitting his home. His wife was killed.

Saw that today as well (was it released to the public today?). Incredible and frightening at the same time. I cannot believe he stood there filming while the tornado was just there! Was it shock? Wanting to get the video? He must have understood at that point the tornado was definitely gonna hit him.
I posted this on FB as well but, I am wondering if his wife died because she did not take shelter, and if so, did she not take shelter because of his inaction? Just wondering, it seems tragic but possibly avoidable?
Here is a better quality version. It's a little longer as well.

Right as it hits, it almost looks like a huge, breaking, ocean wave coming into view from left to right.

His wife was in the kitchen. I really don't feel comfortable reviewing here what he should have done. I think everyone on this forum already knows. I have a feeling Mr Schultz ponders it more days than not.
Man, that is just about the most sobering tornado video I've seen in a while. I can't even imagine what Mr. Schultz has gone through in the last year.


Hope this isn't exploitative, but I couldn't resist enhancing the final seconds. It's possible the last few frames here show a white suction vortex fly from left to right across the frame in front of the house across the street.
Fairdale,IL (Chicago Daily Herald) - "Clem Schultz was sure the tornado weather forecasters were warning about was going to miss him, but he knew based on experience his Fairdale home would lose electricity. So he went to an upstairs bedroom to get camping lanterns he and his wife, Geri, would surely be using early on the evening of April 9 last year (4/9/2015).

He looked out a window and spotted a tornado to the west. He speculated it would stay south of his community, population around 150, about 19 miles northwest of DeKalb. He decided to record its passage on his cellphone camera.

But that black monster had other intentions, hopping the railroad tracks a block away.

There was no time for the 85-year-old to hurry back downstairs to the kitchen where Geri was. There was no point in getting in the cellar, which was basically a hole barely big enough to hold their furnace.

In an instant the tornado passed right through -- literally -- his house. Schultz rode the debris from the collapsing chimney down, losing his grip on the phone, getting entangled in a bedsheet, and becoming buried.

Moments later a neighbor was digging him out of the rubble."

Full story at:
I posted this on FB as well but, I am wondering if his wife died because she did not take shelter, and if so, did she not take shelter because of his inaction? Just wondering, it seems tragic but possibly avoidable?

It is tragic certainly seems avoidable. He not only knew there was a tornado warning but that there was an actual tornado on the ground and yet instead of taking the best shelter possible he went upstairs for supplies. She may not have only survived but perhaps even avoided major injury, the story says the cellar was only a hole large enough for the furnace but I’d have to believe it has enough room to be worked on and hence at least enough space for at least one person to squeeze in. If not there was likely a superior location than the kitchen, be it an interior hall, closet or even bathtub. There’s no knowing for sure how a superior response would have resulted but they definitely could have improved their odds of survival.

I cannot believe he stood there filming while the tornado was just there! Was it shock? Wanting to get the video? He must have understood at that point the tornado was definitely gonna hit him.

You would think so and even if at 85 he’s not very mobile you’d at least think he’d yell out for his wife to take cover. Even if he thought it was going to miss it surprises me that he didn’t try to warn her and regardless of any mobility issues it’s stunning that he just kept filming even as he was impacted by the tornado. Very sad and a tragic loss that didn’t necessarily have to happen.

This reminded me of a video of the March 2, 2012 Henryville EF-4 tornado. It was shot by a woman and the tornado ultimately hit her house and killed her husband. Unlike Fairdale she stopped taping and they tried to take cover at the center of the home but to no avail as they along with most of the home were swept away and he was found dead beneath the refrigerator.

It is a tragic and incredible video all in one. I think we would all have ideas about what the best course of action will be, and what we would do - perhaps because of our interest and chasing we would be somewhat better prepared if faced with this, but I think until you're in that position of being faced with it, it's hard to know quite how you'd react. I guess that's true of many situations in life. Having a plan can help, of course, but then plan has to then be executed in a situation which make be extremely stressful.

Either way, in this case I agree with Tim above - everyone probably knows what should have happened, there's probably no need to review it.