Looking for a decent radar program for my macbook pro

Brian R

Apr 16, 2012
Good morning,

I am looking for a decent weather radar program similar to gr level 3 for my macbook pro that will work on os x 10.10, since i have totally had it with microsoft and windows, i really do not want to install windows 7 on my macbook pro and ruin an awesome computer.
i really do not want to install windows 7 on my macbook pro and ruin an awesome computer.

Use the best tool for the job. If you really want GRLevel3, don't stick with RadarScope (probably your best bet) or whatever is available natively on OSX. As someone that works daily with multiple operating systems and programming languages I would be severely crippling myself if limited myself to a single language on a single operating system because of an emotional response to the "purity" or "awesomeness" of a given platform.

edit: just get something like VMWare Fusion and run GRLevel3 as an OSX app. You'll still technically need to install Windows, but you won't be exposed to any of the Windows UI.
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