Local Forecast Music During Katrina

Mar 2, 2004
Northern Colorado
Those watching TWC during Hurricane Katrina may remember the jig TWC played during all the local forecasts around the time of landfall and immediately after. Anyone who what that was?
Another weather geek and I were talking about that around work. That music was definitely part of the TWC score/theme package. We called it their "scary" music... i.e. not a happy little score like they usually play.

If it is part of their music score, it won't likely be publicly available as their music is composed specifically for them. I don't know the composer or music company.

ADD: I should say that most of their local forecast music is drawn from many composers, who are I'm sure paid some sort of licensing fee. The piece you're referring to, I'm sure, was part of the theme music package composed for the weather channel. This is a fun little website given to me a while back... real TWC fanatics... www.twcclassics.com
Thanks dude! I jumped on the site and within 10 minutes, not only found the song info, but found the song itself! Cool site, never seen it before! I'll be playing around in there more! Thanks again!
Boy, guess I was wrong about that song not being available. Heh!

I spent quite a few hours on that site when I first learned about it. Before a few years ago, I watched TWC so much, esp from the 80s into the early 90s. Then, I perused some of the local forecast music. Even some of those tunes I didn't really "like" trigger something in my brain today.

There are those certain sounds, smells, or tastes that remind you of a great time in your past. Some of those tunes reminded me of a great time of my life (growing up).

An aside, weird as it sounds to most, the smell of a new can of tennis balls or a baseball glove does the same.

I played tennis and baseball a lot when I was a youngster.
Originally posted by Tony Laubach
Thanks dude! I jumped on the site and within 10 minutes, not only found the song info, but found the song itself! Cool site, never seen it before! I'll be playing around in there more! Thanks again!

Ok, who sings it and what is it called?

Pretty neat site if you are a TWC junkie.
Originally posted by Bill Hamilton
Ok, who sings it and what is it called?


Found it in this thread... there are several versions on there, download the 320 version; definately better sounding. Its a shame there isn't more to this song.

And Morgan, I have to agree... I was an avid watcher of TWC back in the late 80s/early 90s. In fact, a couple years ago, I went on a search to find several songs from that era of TWC more or less cause TWC hooked me into that type of jazzy stuff. I ended up finding new favorites in groups such as the Rippingtons who did the song I really looked for, "Weekend in Monaco". Like you, those tunes back then remind me alot of my times back then, which is even more special cause I no longer live there. Contemporary Jazz is one of my favorite types of music because of TWC (sad as that may sound). *LOL*