Lightning strikes fire engine

Amazing how the flash obviously hit the truck but the transformer off to the right went up in a blaze of glory.

Thought for discussion...

Although it appears it hit the apparatus, consider the possibility that maybe it hit the power lines down further from the transformer. If you follow what would have been the lines down the side of the highway (we have to extrapolate since we can't see for the rain) they would disappear from the line of sight of the camera, behind the fire apparatus. If a strike were to hit those, from the line of site of the camera, it would appear as if the fire apparatus was being hit.

Here is why I think this. If you watch it closely, the lightning arc sort dances from left to right (up the power line in the direction of the transformer?) I have seen this a couple of times. The transformer blew, which of course was not connected to the fire apparatus in any way. Why? If the lightning did indeed hit the lines out in front of the fire vehicle (from the line of sight of the camera) then the transformer explosion makes sense. Something else I have seen before, the lines being hit further down and blowing the closest transformer.

Also, the emergency lights kept flashing. That was a pretty intense strike. I would have possibly expected some electrical damage of the vehicle.

All the same, wicked lightning video!
After watching this several times, pausing it, moving the slider back and forth, I have to agree with David's line of thinking here. More than likely this is a bit of an optical illusion and the bolt hit a utility pole further down that happened to be in a direct line with the pumper truck. The result being the closest transformer getting blown.

I would also agree that a direct strike would have likely caused the emergency lights to quit working on the truck. All in all, still some amazing footage.
I'm starting to think this too. I took it for granted that the "boom" was the close lightning flash, but it sounds awfully prolonged and maybe we're hearing the transformer explosion followed by the more distant thunder. In that case, yeah, the lightning could be further down the road. This is the ultimate enigma... poor sound, poor video, low lighting, and rain. I think one could claim they see Elvis off in the distance and we'd have to run it a few times to reach a consensus.

, but it sounds awfully prolonged and maybe we're hearing the transformer explosion followed by the more distant thunder.

Could the sound that we heard have been dubbed in? I only ask because I noticed while watching it that up until the lightning strike there was no audio at all, dead silence and then suddenly there was audio. Not really anything of importance, but just something I took notice to.
Interesting point on the sound, we should have at least heard wipers before then.

If you note at the end of the video they slow it down. Around the last 10 seconds or so. You can clearly see the initial part of the strike is to the left of the engine, from the counters point of view, and then sorta "danced" to the right. This would be consistent with it striking a pole/line further down the line as well.

I am convinced now that it hit the line further down. You couldn't have lined that shot up better if you tried though. That's for sure.