Life is Like a Weather Forecast (new ebook )

Mar 22, 2009
Damascus ,Md.
Hi all,

The new ebook Life is Like a Weather Forecast
( A Storm Chaser Looks at Life's Storms ) Whirlwinds Publishing © 2010 G. Thomas Windsor , is now available at Smashwords and other online ebook stores .

Enjoy ,
Tom Windsor


Description :
In this book, a storm chaser explores weather forecasting and how it relates to life. He also tells of his experiences chasing some of the largest thunderstorms on earth (from a safe distance, most of the time!) Sooner or later we all seem to catch a glimpse of a "perfect storm" on the horizon. Time to take a second look at one's life forecast and hunker down.

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Hi all,

The new ebook Life is Like a Weather Forecast
( A Storm Chaser Looks at Life's Storms ) Whirlwinds Publishing © 2010 G. Thomas Windsor , is now available at Smashwords and other online ebook stores .

Enjoy ,
Tom Windsor

Description :
In this book, a storm chaser explores weather forecasting and how it relates to life. He also tells of his experiences chasing some of the largest thunderstorms on earth (from a safe distance, most of the time!) Sooner or later we all seem to catch a glimpse of a "perfect storm" on the horizon. Time to take a second look at one's life forecast and hunker down.

Since we're in the Market Place...think it would be fair to ask...about how much is the price?

I don't have an e-reader, but I guess there is a non-eReader option too (pdf?) I need to do a review on something, kinda slacked off on that...DVDs included.
Life is Like a Weather Forecast - (ebook details)

Hi Jason ,

Yes you can simply download a PDF version for desktop viewing.
The price is $ 4.75. Hope you enjoy it if purchased,
G.Thomas Windsor

Ps. I see you are from Gaithersburg. We arent too far away.

Excerpts from the Introduction:

Hardly a day goes by that we don't hear of some weather-related phrase or cliche. We may need to "weather a new economic storm" or beware of some new global crisis that will hopefully "blow over." All this can make one feel a little "under the weather" with "clouds hanging over our heads." Perhaps it may even lead to a period of being" in the doldrums" It is in these times I think that we all hope for "blue skies smiling at me…"

Speaking of the weather, one of my part-time pursuits for the last fifteen years has been storm chasing...

Though I suppose most people would rather go to places where plenty of sunshine comes their way, the storm chaser plans for and seeks out the times and places of greatest storminess and instability in the atmosphere. The ultimate goal in storm interception is to witness phenomena most have never seen, some of the largest tornadic storms on planet earth. Yes, I've had some close calls, but obviously I've survived. ....

So why does weather provide such good analogies and metaphors to life? ...

When we delve into the question of "why" and why other things are fairly predictable, I believe that this can yield helpful principles. Hopefully, it will help us fine tune our "radar," and our understanding of life's weather charts. As this book will explore, there are good identifiable reasons why life is truly like a weather forecast.

( © 2010 G. Thomas Windsor All Rights Reserved. ISBN# 978-0-9823659-2-2 )
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