Kansas Landspouts July 8th and 9th

weather channel report Independence, KS

I don't whether this report I saw on TWC Wed around 6 pm Central time was part of this. I did not have my earphones on as as I was working out and looking at the TV so I could not listen to the TWC report and figure out what they were talking about.

Show was a tutorial / information about some weather going on in Independence, KS. The meteorologist was taling about something under the cloud base and pointing left and right with an arrow.

I am not sure whether they were talking about wallcloud (did not look like it) or something else (as I could not hear anything ).

I would be interested to know if these two were related and what TWC report was about.
These were taken by my brother near Garnett

Is there anyway they can forecast a day that will have such an amount of these? The cell in this case built up fast but while not huge was little if any precip so when he was telling me it was happening I thought he was nuts because radar was clear.

I was also under the impression Landspouts were normally more of a straight tube....




Yes. Quite strange. During the reports, and in the preceding and succeeding hours, there was nothing more than 11 dBZ on any of the lowest 4 tilts of reflectivity from TWX (and no returns above 11 kft) over Anderson county. Not enough to produce much more than a flurry if it was winter.

This wasn't a landspout, unlike the ones in Chase/Lyon/Greenwood counties that actually had a boundary in the area and intense updrafts. This one certainly didn't have intense updrafts, or else reflectivities higher than 11 dBZ would have been seen at some point during or after the funnel reports.

Ahhh...the mysteries and frustrations associated with funnel clouds.
Did anyone get the Iowa spout?

The conditions for this day (8th?) in Iowa were:

*-9 LL Lapse Rates
*100-150 j/kg 0-1km MLCAPE
*~2000 LFC
*Stationary/slow moving WSW-ENE oriented front with S/SW winds in the air mass and W/NW winds behind it (lots of vorticity)
*Temperature "nose"
*Development in the intersection area of all of these conditions.

The DBZ was never more than green. Tops weren't much. But a landspout happened in the intersection between the best LL MLCAPE and LL LR's like Jon Davies' paper predicts. No other severe weather was reported for the entire state.