Jim Sellars Passed Away But His Legacy Lives On

I didn't know Jim at all, but I knew of him. I think this should get more attention here on StormTrack considering he was a weather enthusiast and fellow chaser. I hope that he gets his final wish.....RIP.
We need a post reaction for “condolences” or something equivalent. Sorry to hear of his passing.
Knew the name, didn't know the face - would have loved to meet someone like Jim. Rest in peace, man.

Sidenote - I second Mark's idea for a condolences type reaction for posts. Thumbs up to an announcement like this is just wrong.
I never met Jim Sellars personally, but since I live in the SGF CWA, I've talked to him many times via ham radio. He was well respected and loved, he loved what he did and his knowledge and experience was amazing. It'll definitely leave a void in the Skywarn net in SW. MO.
UPDATE 07/08/2019:
Randy has completed the probe build and with any luck, will take Jim’s remains and try to get them out starting this next week.

For those that may not know, Jim’s final request was that his ashes be released into a tornado - while it is a little late in the year, Randy will attempt to do that this season. If we cannot, Randy, Lisa, Mike and I, will make that a priority in early 2020.

I miss him greatly and these late nights are void without his voice crackling over the radio or the phone.
Please wish us success in completing his last request.