Java Updates


Feb 3, 2005
Shawnee, OK
How do you stop the computer from looking for Java updates??????

I right-click the java on the task bar and click properties. I uncheck the "check for updates" box and click ok.
Next I right-click java again and the box is checked again!

The thing is CONSTANTLY wanting me to update. even as soon as I finish installing an update!
You could try going into 'msconfig' and going to the 'Startup' tab, unchecking the applications you don't want to initialize on startup. I did this for both Adobe and Java products, and haven't seen any updates. I agree that they're a PITA when it comes to shoving notifications down your throat.
Interesting. I will have to do the same. I cant stand the constant updates as well. Its very annoying. You would think they could hire people smart enough to get it right the first 28937598237 times.
Another way to disable it is with Autoruns:
I bring this up because you can control other startup items that may be uselessly taking up resources. Make sure to enable Options>Hide Microsoft and Windows Entries.
Be careful though, you can break stuff with this. Unless you know what you're doing, stick to items in the "Logon" tab and research their purpose first.
Robert, thanks. I disabled both Java and Adobe at startup. It even stopped another anoying item. After booting I always had a message that a script was slowing down the system and I had the option to continue or stop the script. I guess it was part of one of those programs. It was annoying because it never told me what script.
I moved this to the Equipment section since someone else might ask this question in the future and it's good knowledge to have. I can disable updates directly from the Java Applet in the Control Panel (Updates Tab) and it warns me about doing so, but I'd rather keep it up to date since vulnerabilities in Java and programs that use Java can sometimes be used to gain unauthorized access to one's computer system. Constant updates do get old though, I know what you all mean.
This isn't an issue about getting it right. Java is one of the few stable entities on my PC! Sun Microsystems recently underwent a philisophical change to distribute frequent updates/enhancements through rapid prototyping rather than holding improvements for months at a time and releasing large updates.

I agree that the almost daily updates over the past month are becoming annoying and wish there was a way to just set them to auto d/l and install -- and there may be. However, I also like this philosophy having seen the fantastic speed improvements and capabilities this language has delivered in the past couple years.
However, I also like this philosophy having seen the fantastic speed improvements and capabilities this language has delivered in the past couple years.

Don't get me wrong, I think most software devs like that idea. However, my usage of Java as a client is pretty consistent and I have never experienced any bugs, let alone ones that need an urgent update. Performance isn't an issue for me, so there really isn't a need for me to upgrade. In fact, doing so may introduce new bugs which weren't previously found.

I take that back, the only bug I've found thus far is them bugging me multiple times a day to upgrade... :)
I do, then have to re-boot and it tells me another update is available. I can't be doing this several times a day.

Hmmm... I think a system error is at work here. I get those update notes once every month or two at the most. Why not uninstall all Java stuff and then go for a fresh install?
For the record I am running version 6 update 22 (build 1.6.0_22-b04). The updater indicates this is the latest version, and if a clean install is needed you can get the latest and greatest here: Java
I just click "No" when the system asks me if I want to install an update. I'll do that for a couple of weeks until I figure they've accumulated several fixes, then go ahead and install the update.