Issues with SHARPpy

Jun 16, 2015
Oklahoma City, OK
I haven't used Sharppy much in a while since I've had issues loading soundings. I tried re-downloading newer versions tonight and I can't seem to get it to work.

When I try to view recent soundings, I get an error message like this:

I have tried deleting and re-downloading several times, as well as picking soundings at different locations/times, but it doesn't seem to work. I have an internet connection and I'm running on Windows 10, if any of that information helps.

Any thoughts? I thought that maybe it was the server, but it keeps happening, unless there's a global issue.
The sounding picker worked fine right now on the pre-compiled binary and running from the command line from source on the Master branch. Which branch are you trying to run?

I was thinking of running a different/later branch, but saw some of the notes in the posts on github and decided not to get into that potential headache yet.

Edit...Perhaps you are running the latest which has problems with real-time data sources, according to this:

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SHARPpy programmer here: From the screenshot it looks like GPhillips is right on the money. This looks like the Windows binary of the alpha version of Andover, which has had problems accessing the real-time data per the release notes. Around the time that these binaries were generated I started having significant problems with the release pipeline, and between starting a new job and moving my time has been limited with getting back to fixing it. Particularly, making the binaries has been a massive headache that has blocked a major release of the code coming to fruition. If you really wish to use Andover I recommend you use git and try to follow the instructions on this part of the documentation: Installation Guide — SHARPpy 0+untagged.50.g22e3563.dirty documentation . The Andover code generally works for the most part, but my ability to support the code is limited until I am able to get the release pipeline working again - that's priority one for me.