Is this really how people think?

Jun 12, 2004
South East Wisconsin
I showed a friend, that lives in Nebraska, some photos of a tornado that passed 2 miles from their house. She said she doesnt want to know about that stuff. I said "ignoring the danger doesnt make it go away." To which she replied, "But not knowing about it makes it never exsist if nothing happens."


Doug Raflik
She's just scared. Sort of like showing tobacco users photos of people with cancer.

On a side note, this thread should be in the bar and grill area.
The common term for this is Normalcy Bias, and it is unfortunately one of the issues that folks communicating weather hazards have to deal with. It's the typical "it only happens to other people" thought.
If I am afraid of something that is a threat to me, I am going to learn about it and learn how to avoid or reduce the threat.

Most of the time I do this too, but there are those that *choose* to be ignorant. "Ignorance is bliss" is a very accurate statement. The do not perceive the risk to be great enough to spend time on it. I can understand this line of thinking even though that is not my nature at all.

I guess I feel compelled to comment on this, not necessarily because of comments in this thread but I have read several posts in the past in which people stressed the importance of staying informed and having a weather radio. One person went so far as to say that the government should provide them. I am much more wowed and disturbed as a matter of fact, by this mentality that says everyone should stay informed, and be glued to the media, and have a weather radio and basically think the same way, when it comes to severe weather.

What about individuality and doing your own thing, and living life the way you want to live it without conforming to all these think so's of everyone else. If folks don't want to get educated about tornadoes and other weather threats, and don't want a weather radio waking them up at night...good for them. Land of the Free. We already got the dang live reports interrupting their TV shows :)
Most of the time I do this too, but there are those that *choose* to be ignorant. "Ignorance is bliss" is a very accurate statement. The do not perceive the risk to be great enough to spend time on it. I can understand this line of thinking even though that is not my nature at all.

I guess I feel compelled to comment on this, not necessarily because of comments in this thread but I have read several posts in the past in which people stressed the importance of staying informed and having a weather radio. One person went so far as to say that the government should provide them. I am much more wowed and disturbed as a matter of fact, by this mentality that says everyone should stay informed, and be glued to the media, and have a weather radio and basically think the same way, when it comes to severe weather.

What about individuality and doing your own thing, and living life the way you want to live it without conforming to all these think so's of everyone else. If folks don't want to get educated about tornadoes and other weather threats, and don't want a weather radio waking them up at night...good for them. Land of the Free. We already got the dang live reports interrupting their TV shows :)

The problem is, these are the same people that whine and cry about "not having a warning" when a tornado goes through their town. I don't feel a bit sorry for that kind of mentality.
Joshua there is a differnece in goverment interference and saving lives. We all have the freedom of choice and that includes to either heed or ignore severe wx but with that goes consequences. sometimes fatal ones. If these people choose to die thats their choice but like Jason said these are the same people who cry and scream that they didnt have any warning and now want the government to help pay for their new house. They cant have it both ways. If people choose to ignore warnings and choose to stay uninformed then they should have to deal with the consequences on their own and blame nobody but themselves. Anybody with any kind of intelligence will do as they should and pay attention when wx threatens them. Otherwise they are fools who are risking their lives for that "freedom". Thats a poor argument. I dont call protecting yourself by staying informed conforming to the masses. I call it common sense
I think most are drawn here because we have a common interest in severe weather. How many here though are overly concerned about lead paint or asbestos? We know that both can hurt/kill you in there own way but they are things that always happen to "other people". Yes-- a tornado went by her home and she didn't want to know about it but you might have lead paint in your breezeway trim and don't want to know about it either. Thankfully there are other people in this world who are watching out for other harmful things fo me and there are people like you guys/girls who are watching out for severe weather for me too. It's what makes the world go around. We all watch out for each other in our own way. And would we really want more people interested in light bars anyway? :)
Thats tue Scott we are watching out for others but thats the whole issue. Even if we are it wont matter if they dont pay attention to the media or have a NOAA radio they will never hear our report and know about the danger.

We are not saying these people have to sit there and watch the radar and pull up SPC outlooks but they damn well listen to the radio or tv whhen there is wx in the area so they know the danger. thats the point being made here. Some people would rather ignore the whole thing and pretend it doesnt exist. Just stick their head in the sand. I can promise if somebody told me I was breathing in Asbestos I would do anything I had to to remove either it or myself from the danger.
I TOTALLY agree with you Jay. I just know a lot of people ignore threats to their health and well being all the time and there isn't much we can do. Maybe the conversation will sink in for Doug's friend and they'll react better the next time severe weather is around. But as Joshua said, "ignorance is bliss". The same thing that keeps a person from going to the doctor when they are sick might be same thing that keeps another person indifferent to severe weather. Maybe the "there is nothing I can do to change it so don't tell me" is thier only way in dealing with thier mortality. Is it better then going the other way and becoming hysterical? People all act different when confronted with danger.

My asbestoes, lead paint comparison was simply a way of saying that maybe in Doug's friends own life, they actually help you or I out with something that we're unaware of ourself. That's why we all need to help each other even if they don't want our help. Put systems in place that warn the indifferent. Not toss them under the bus. :)