Iphone Tethering

Why would it be "illegal" for a specific phone type? Don't most carriers permit tethering (as long as it's part of your contract)?
Why would it be "illegal" for a specific phone type?

It's not "illegal" in the form that cops will bust down your doors and whisk you off. It is a violation of your TOS with AT&T, and they have the right to cut your phone off / charge you for the violations / etc.

Now realistically - that's not going to happen. But just realize there's that risk.
I have herd of using the iphone3g as a wifi router. the one thing that would make me leary is that no one has said if att would know what you are doing but if they find out they could terminate you. Has anyone been fined or so forth? Someone told me you would be ok as long as you use it every now and then.The only reason i would use it is when im chasing and just want to view my GR 3 and thats it.
I use PDANet on my iPhone...I travel constantly, so I always use it (and have for about 8 months). Never had a problem, though it can get a little slow in some parts of the country during peak times. This will be my first chase year with it. I honestly don't think it will do great in rural areas based on ATT's coverage.

Also note that you have to "jail break" your iPhone to get it to work. Once it's jail broken, you can't download iTunes or other software updates to the phone and (and this is the important part) you have to un-jail break it when you take it in for any service. Jail breaking voids your warranty (which seems pretty useless anyway).
I tether my blackberry (AT&T) during the slow season and I typically get about 250-300kbps (115 with low signal strength) on EDGE (the Curve is not 3G). Radar updates load fast and work well until you really get out in the middle of nowhere and then it can be a little sketchy. I keep a Verizon aircard for activation around mid to late April.
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the latest version for the iPhone is not jail breakable...at least yet...and a new OS version is expected shortly.

The latest I Phone OS is jailbreakable through redsn0w, but the baseband cannot be unlocked as of now. However, you can still use PDA Net, MyWi and IModem to tether.