iPad 2 - Verizon or AT&T

Feb 10, 2008
Norman, OK
I plan on buying the new iPad 2 this Friday and was wondering if anyone could tell me how their Verizon coverage is chasing in the Oklahoma area.

I currently have AT&T on my iPhone tethered to my computer but also want to use my iPad on chases. I like the AT&T plans better than Verizon, but having both networks available would be nice.

Is Verizon's coverage while chasing noticeably better than AT&Ts to the point where it is worth paying $20/GB instead of $25/2GB?

Verizon has more 3G coverage than AT&T, but there's a big coverage hole in NW Oklahoma where there's no coverage at all and AT&T at least has EDGE. Check the coverage maps and see where you'll be chasing. Verizon is supposed to be filling the hole soon with 4G, but since the iPad doesn't have 4G it still won't work there.
I use Verizon because overall its coverage is so vast, and the times I chase places other than NW Oklahoma easily outstrip the times when I'm there. If I have trouble getting data, my chase partner usually can cover it on Sprint. It pays to have multiple data sources.