iPad 2 Announced (available 3/11)

Mar 21, 2005
Kearney, NE
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I thougtht it was starting at $499 like the original? Not sure how it would run RadarScope any different than iPad 1?
I see this as a decent tool for a business, but if you are like me, tight budgeted, the ROI is just not there. I would like to have one, but not pressed. Maybe before Hurricane Season. I did especially like that it's co-released for both AT&T and Verizon.
I'd love to make the swap up, but I can't give up my unlimited data package (especially with MLB starting up!)
I have a 32gb ipad 3g. Although increased horsepower would be nice I still have no issues with my ipad. I don't see enough for me personally to want to upgrade. The ONLY thing I wish I had an option for is verizon network or ATT. I don't think I will get enough to sell my ipad to buy the new ipad2. plus with all the hype I probably wont get my hands on one anyways for a while. I think it has improved and that's a plus, but for me personally for a camera and faster being my only specified interest.. I don't think I care to upgrade.
USB doesn't bother me... I connect my camera to my PC, and then drag the video into iTunes. Not much to it.
AT&T says the data plan can be transferred... That adds intrigue, as I'm a little tempted now.

I would take that with a grain of salt, and not be surprised when you find a $300 overage bill.. In almost all cases, grandfathered plans go away when you change equipment. Phone center CSRs will tell you pretty much anything to make a sale.
I agree with the article on the USB port. I don't get why Apple doesn't think that's important? The thing comes loaded with an awesome iMovie app but what's the point if I can't even connect my video camera to it?! Xoom or some other Android tablet it is...

They're saving that for the iPad4. See what I meant about holding back basic features to keep people buying them? :D It's the same as they did with the iphone. They could've very easily put a USB port and cameras in the first version. They could've very easily put a USB port in this version. But by holding back features, they ensure people will keep buying the new version.