Invitation to compete for the 2011 Alan Moller Severe Weather Education and Research

Jason Foster

Just a cut and past from message posted by Martin Lisius on WX-Chase list

TESSA Alan R. Moller Severe Weather Education and Research College

We will be offering the Alan R. Moller Severe Weather Education and Research
College Scholarship in the amount of $500 again this year at the National
Storm Conference on March 12 in Colleyville, Texas.

The scholarship will be awarded to the college that sends the most students,
staff and/or faculty to the National Storm Conference, Texas, with a minimum
of 20 attendees.

The winning college will receive and present the $500 award to one student
who: (1) Possesses a GPA minimum of 3.0, and (2) Most exhibits a passion for
and commitment to severe weather education and/or research.

Typical recipients of the award include but are not limited to students of
meteorology, engineering and broadcasting.

The college will submit the name, photo and brief bio of the winning student
within 60 days of the conference for publication on the TESSA web site.

Please let me know if you would like to take part in this exciting
opportunity. Note: Group count will include only persons that arrive
together at the conference site no later than 9:00 am Central Time with
valid university student, staff and/or faculty ID.

Groups are encouraged to wear their school colors and bring a banner or

Contact your alma mater and organize a winning group!

The National Storm Conference is free and open to the public. Registration
is not required. Complete conference details at

Martin Lisius
[email protected]
(817) 276-9500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting(817) 276-9500end_of_the_skype_highlighting