Internet Weather Feeds List


Oct 2, 2008
Hey everyone,

I don't know if anybody had posted a thread before about compiling a list of Internet-based Weather Feeds into a list on StormTrack. I think this would be great to do for people who need a fast list of Internet-based Weather Feeds while chasing, or for those who are migrating from Satellite-based feeds.

Also it would be nice if we can compile a list for weather software that is currently avaliable.

I would like to compile a list that chasers, forecasters, and others can download to their computer and have on the go.

To begin the list:

Data: (Free) - National Weather Service Raw/Text Data (Free) - National Weather Service Binary Data (such as NEXRAD Level 3, National Digital Forecast Database)

Software: (Paid) - Digital Atmosphere - Weather Mapping and Analysis Software (Paid) - GRLevel2, GRLevel3 - Radar Analysis Software

Christopher Zenzel
I wish someone would take these lists people acquire and build them into a nicely organized favorites file that anyone could download and add to their weather favorites within their browser. I would even think one could make a couple dollars off each download just because people like me are too lazy to build out a nice list on our own. Just a thought.
I wish someone would take these lists people acquire and build them into a nicely organized favorites file that anyone could download and add to their weather favorites within their browser. I would even think one could make a couple dollars off each download just because people like me are too lazy to build out a nice list on our own. Just a thought.

Hi Steve,

I am trying to build a list into Excel or Access and then allow people to download it. I am asking for feedback to see how many links we can gather.

I wasn't planning on charging for the list. I was going to publish it to an excel file on my web site and let anybody download it.

Christopher Zenzel