Instagram seeks right to sell access to photos to advertisers

To my knowledge I don't use and certainly never applied to Instagram. However, with Facebook now having purchased this, does this mean as a F.B. user, any one of my photos placed on F.B. now may be sold to advertizers without my knowledge or permission?
The backlash against this on the news and in social media is fantastic. I'm cautiously optimistic that this could indicate more people wising up against giving away free intellectual property to help corporations' bottom lines. Could this foretell an eventual resurgence in professional/stock photography and a waning of the me-reporter phenomenon? I can only hope....
Looks like you also give up your privacy rights to the metadata as well. (Including location, it would seem.) Perhaps not a big deal when you're out in the field, but creepy if you're at home.
Somewhere along the way the social media powers that be figured out that they can make incremental changes in their favor by changing policies as they go, and after the inital wave of complaining passes it pretty much becomes accepted and on to the next boundary they go. I wouldn't be a bit suprised after the initial uproar, this sticks and people go about their business like nothing happened.
Looks like they've backed down on the part about selling user's photos, but it also sounds like they've not really changed their plans. Maybe they will try to sneak this back in someday when nobody's looking:

"Going forward, rather than obtain permission from you to introduce possible advertising products we have not yet developed, we are going to take the time to complete our plans, and then come back to our users and explain how we would like for our advertising business to work."