Importing Stills into Premiere for widescreen DVD and Blu Ray

Bill Hark

Jan 13, 2004
Richmond Virginia
I'm in the process of putting together some storm chase video and a slide show using Premiere CS5 for both DVD and Blu-Ray. What settings do you all use for photos/graphics such as maps that are imported either as static images or slight motion (Ken Burns effect.) so that they aren't distorted or pixelated. I can set the cropping to 1440x1080 but I have the choices with checked boxes to "Scale Styles", "Constrain Proportions" and "resample image/(bicubic best for smooth gradients." All the boxes are checked which seems to be default. The "default scale to frame size" box on Premiere is unchecked. My current project video clips are HDV (1440x1080 (1.3333))

Bill Hark
Because you're using a 1440x1080 resolution, your video pixels are non square. If you drop a 1440x1080 image on your timeline with square pixels, and no scaling takes place, it will be stretched horizontally causing some distortion. I'm not an expert at Premiere so I can't tell you how to correct for that using an image of that size, if it isn't done automatically, although I'm sure it can be done. Try it out in both of the following ways and see which one produces distorition: If Premiere scales the image for you, you should import the images as 1920x1080 and let it stretch them down to 1440x1080 automatically. If it doesn't, author your images at 1920x1080 and then uncheck that "Constrain Proportions" checkbox and scale them down to 1440x1080 in your image editor. This will squash your image horizontally, but it will be stretched back in your video since it has non square pixels.

Don't use smaller images or they will pixelate, and larger ones may cause some jagged edges and aliasing as the video will drop some of the pixels. That's what your "Resample image" option is for. It scales the images while blending the pixels for a smoother result. The "scale styles" is probably for brushes or graphics you put on top of your image. I'm not sure on that one though since I'm not sure what editing software it is.