Interestingly enough to me, the actual costs of my chasing each year is the one stat I've never kept up with. The only year I ever saved up a kitty to chase was in 1999. I took a second job in October of 1998, with the sole intention of starting a "chase kitty" for the following season. I worked from 8am to 5pm, then ran home, took a shower, and worked 6pm to 2am. I did this nonstop for about five months, and had saved $1000 for chasing before the season even started. But I still ended up depleting my "life" money as well, as I chased through June instead of paying bills all Spring. I got lucky and made a few video sales from my May 3 stuff, and by the time those checks finally rolled in, I had everyone breathing down my back for their money (bills, rent, etc etc). It worked out though, and by July I had chased all I could, and paid my bills up to date. Ah, those dishwashing years are fond memories.
Other than that, from 1996-2004 everything came out of my "daily life" normal bank account.
In 2005, I started supplementing my chases with money earned from DVD sales, using a Paypal account and card. This came in handy on many occasions, as I seemed to sell just enough videos to keep the PP account full enough to pay for the next chase. I'd say around 75% of my 2005 chasing was paid for with DVD money - so thanks to everyone who bought
In 2006, I continued the PP thing and that helped out a lot, but a quiet year and less chasing meant it was easier on the pocketbook so it was never much of an issue whether I pulled funds from video money or my regular bank account. In 2007, everything (of my share) was funded from my actual "life" account.
Once I get a few things settled and I know where I'm gonna be next year (I may or may not be leaving my current job at year's end), I'm going to completely overhaul my website, update everything, and start pushing DVD sales hard like I did in 2005-2006. My future plans are to fund the majority of my chasing through video sales like I did in 2005.