How much do you put away?

Jun 19, 2005
New Mexico
With it being the "off season" allot of us are trying to save $$$. I am usually pretty good at figuring out how much my chasing should cost per day. However, when my chasecation comes around I usually don’t chase each day because there usually isn’t overly amazing events everyday. Therefore while I usually know how much I spend each day while actively chasing, I usually don’t know how much I’ll spend for each season. Therefore I’ve been left pondering how much is adequate to put away. Also, I was wondering how much do you guys usually put away for the upcoming season?

While yes I know this is dependent on each person, I thought it would be interesting to hear what you put away, and also what a ball park figure would be for different people.
well, since my income varys from time to time...

i always try to plan ahead of, when i was in june...i was planing for november...i set my own goal for what i need and try to make enough money for what i need to purchase...

pretty much, you could say i dont have a set-budget...i might save up some extra money for some gas to set aside, but since i dont often do any long-distance chases...i only really need to have a little bit on the side just in case something happens...
I can count on between $2,500 and $3,000 per spring season. That's for three round trips to the Plains (driving) and 10-15 chase days, chasing only during good setups. Each chase day averages about $200, counting gas and hotels. That isn't counting the depreciation and wear-and-tear of putting 15,000 miles on my car. Next year, the same amount of chasing could cost as much as $4,500 if gas prices are over $4/gallon.

Now, add one chase partner and you've cut that in half. Three or four to a car is even better.
I've never had anything to put away in the last 4 years, really. I've been in credit card debt the whole time. I think what I'm doing is figuring I can charge gas to chase on as long as I'm not $10,000+ in debt. I think when I pass that number I just won't chase. I "plan" on spending $3,000 in gas a year.
I usually try to have 3-400 dollars with me on each chase, which is not only for gas, but in case of an emergency. I'm looking at saving around 2,000 dollars by Mar. 1st. I kind of alternate by using cash and my debit card when chasing. I use the cash when I'm relaxed and not in a hurry. I use the debit card when I want to just pull up, get gas, and get the heck out of there.
Interestingly enough to me, the actual costs of my chasing each year is the one stat I've never kept up with. The only year I ever saved up a kitty to chase was in 1999. I took a second job in October of 1998, with the sole intention of starting a "chase kitty" for the following season. I worked from 8am to 5pm, then ran home, took a shower, and worked 6pm to 2am. I did this nonstop for about five months, and had saved $1000 for chasing before the season even started. But I still ended up depleting my "life" money as well, as I chased through June instead of paying bills all Spring. I got lucky and made a few video sales from my May 3 stuff, and by the time those checks finally rolled in, I had everyone breathing down my back for their money (bills, rent, etc etc). It worked out though, and by July I had chased all I could, and paid my bills up to date. Ah, those dishwashing years are fond memories.

Other than that, from 1996-2004 everything came out of my "daily life" normal bank account.

In 2005, I started supplementing my chases with money earned from DVD sales, using a Paypal account and card. This came in handy on many occasions, as I seemed to sell just enough videos to keep the PP account full enough to pay for the next chase. I'd say around 75% of my 2005 chasing was paid for with DVD money - so thanks to everyone who bought :D

In 2006, I continued the PP thing and that helped out a lot, but a quiet year and less chasing meant it was easier on the pocketbook so it was never much of an issue whether I pulled funds from video money or my regular bank account. In 2007, everything (of my share) was funded from my actual "life" account.

Once I get a few things settled and I know where I'm gonna be next year (I may or may not be leaving my current job at year's end), I'm going to completely overhaul my website, update everything, and start pushing DVD sales hard like I did in 2005-2006. My future plans are to fund the majority of my chasing through video sales like I did in 2005.
The last couple of years I have taken a couple 6-8 day trips to the plains along with chasing the weekends and local stuff that I can. I've usually saved up about $1,000-$1500 by May and then just wing it as necessary after it runs out. With gas prices soaring I plan to have about $2000-$3000 saved up for 2008. That doesn't count any equipment I need to add, replace or upgrade. I usually try to chase with a partner or two and have gone with larger groups from time to time as well and that helps with the financial burden. Basically, I put a set percentage away each week and come Feb/Mar I up the percentage and throw in a little extra when I can. Also, dont be shy to ask your family members for visa gift cards and gas cards for Christmas. They come in handy come storm season.

That's my 2 pun intended.
My issue is more getting enough leave time...since we get paid federal holidays, my company doesn't give us much vacation time. So therefore it's hard for me to come out to the plains for a week or so. This year, though, my bro graduates from high school in Texas so maybe my family will help with my expenditures to get out there.
I bring about 100 cash on me just for food and things. When it comes to gas/hotels I choose to sign my soul over to te devil and pay with credit card. I also keep what I call a "disaster savings account" Where I keep at leaste 3,000 for the worst case vehicle repair...a dead transmission [152000 miles and still going, but it cant last forever!]

Im cheap to chase with, Im just so happy to be out there I dont care about money, buy me a gas station sandwich and Im good to go...[and Its a wonder I still live at home.]

I only chase a handfull of times a year, usually the biggest events and a couple local chases when time permits. If I chased as often as some on here do, I would definitely have a budget in place but as it stands for now chasing doesnt hurt me financially.
As a rule I always budget at least $200 per day for food/gas/lodging while on vacation. With gas going even higher now I am adjusting that to $250 per day. I usually spend 2 weeks straight on my chase vacation which comes out to actually 10 days away from home so at least $2500 for vacation plus numerous chase days in march/april/early may. Those days its usually just gas and food then home so $100-$150 each chase day. 10 of those will be $1000-1500 so $3500-$4000 average per year (if its active).

Ofcourse spillting gas/rooms with partners makes a huge difference and yoiu can cut most costs by half!!! Plus its just much safer to have a partner anyway.