Hi-Res WRF Changes


Mar 1, 2004
Lansing, MI
NCEP Model Evaluation Subscribers,

The Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) has proposed an upgrade to the High Resolution Window (HiRes) runs. The proposed upgrade includes:

Increase the horizontal resolution of the WRF-NMM from 5.2 km to 4.0 km.

Increase the horizontal resolution of the WRF-ARW from 5.8 km to 5.1 km.

Upgrade WRF-NMM code: to keep pace with changes to the official public version of WRF code distributed by NCAR (from version 1.3 to 2.2 plus NCEP local changes reflected in the NAM) and to use IJK storage & loop ordering for ~10% improvement in efficiency.

Upgrade WRF-ARW code to keep pace with changes to the official public version of WRF code distributed by NCAR (from version 1.3 to 2.2).

Reconfigure the three CONUS (East, Central, West) HIRESW domains into two larger domains (East-Central and West-Central)

Change schedule of runs to: East-Central domain run twice/day at 00z/12z, West-Central domain run at 06z and Alaska domain run at 18z.

Additional capability in the post-processor to generate new output
fields: e.g. simulated GOES satellite fields and improved simulated radar reflectivity.

Each CONUS run (00z, 06z & 12z) will output two of the original HIRESW output grids

The parallel data are now available for evaluation on the NCEP ftp server at:


The operational data are located on the NWS ftp server at:


Feedback on the performance of the HIRES upgrade will be greatly appreciated. Please submit any comments to

[email protected]

by 30 August 2007.

