Help me introduce 200+ people to ham radio!

Sep 25, 2006
Livonia, MI, USA
Hi All,

I've got a small favor to ask, from one ham to many:

I've submitted a presentation topic to Ignite Detroit ( ) about amateur radio, in a broad sense. I'd be presenting to over 200 people who generally have open and inquiring minds and could take an interest in the hobby. 7 presentations will be selected by a selection committee of organizers, but the top 7 vote-getters will also be chosen and that's where you come in!

If you could please help out by voting for my presentation (up to 3 times), I'd stand a better chance of introducing lots of people to amateur radio! To vote, just follow the link below and either create a new account, or sign in with an account you may have at another site (this is the easiest). Once you're done you can issue up to 3 of your votes for my presentation.

I know many in the amateur radio community who feel very strongly about how to promote the hobby, and the service. I appreciate the passion some feel about certain aspects of ham radio and I'm sure there will be a few in the audience who might realize they feel the same way. That's the goal, to inform and be there for any questions.

Coming up with 20 slides to go through with only 5 minutes to do it in, and talk about ham radio in a way that will inform and interest, is going to be a difficult task. Since ham radio wouldn't be possible without community involvement and support, I'd like to ask for any suggestions on points to make or examples that I could use to help illustrate just how awesome our hobby and service is! I'm also looking for various photos of some of our local hams and groups to perhaps use in the presentation. Please respond back with links to images that I can use. If you attach some to the email, please keep the total size under 10MB.

I'll also make available the presentation, with audio, after the event so others can modify and use it wherever they please.

Thanks in advance and cheers!

Andrew, K8DJK
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Thanks all the support that I've gotten. I need one last push today to make sure that I stay in the top 7!

If you could vote if you've not, or spread the link for others to vote, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks again and 73,
Andrew, K8DJK
Thanks to everyone for the support and votes. My presentation has been selected and now it's time to think about and put it together!

Andrew, K8DJK