HD Video Encoders to reduce your video file sizes


I found an encoder that retains the FULL QUALITY while converting to a smaller file size to make uploading of video's more feasible and timely.

For PC's

For MAC's

either one works great, most of my bigger movie's 1-2GB were reduced to 100-200 MB in file size and I retained original HD 1080p quality, full audio, and aspect ratio. you simply can't tell the difference by looking at them, even if you open both files in a separate player window and put them side by side and played them, you can't see the difference. Both encoders convert .mov to .mp4 format

I use the h264 encoder on my laptop, and I use the Elgate Turbo h264 on my iMAC at home. both work superbly!
I found an encoder that retains the FULL QUALITY

Just to clarify, although you keep the the resolution and framerate of the original video, H.264 is not lossless compression so there is some quality degradation when you convert the video. Of course it is a very efficient format and can convert videos from other formats to lower file sizes without a noticeable difference in quality, assuming you pick the right bitrate.

Its also an extremely popular format, and you may already be using it without realizing it. As far as I know, all HD hard drive camcorders are encoding to this format, including your Sony AVCHD camcorders. A good number of your Blu-ray discs are also in this format. If you do your video editing in one of the Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas varieties, you are also ready to encode to the H.264 format without using a separate encoder like the ones mentioned above. Both have presets and options for these formats. In Premiere look for H.264 and in Vegas see the AVCHD profiles.

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