HD Camcorders & CMOS

Apr 23, 2005
The year 2009 I will upgrade to High Definition video. I am a solid Sony loyalist and have had them in one way shape or form. The camera I
buy will be used for my business as well as storm chasing. I've been shooting with a couple of Sony PD-150s since 2003 and they have served
me well. Now I am faced with upgrading to the new High Definition formats to stay future proof. I really like what I see in high def cameras but
the common denominator falls to this. Most models that I want are CMOS based cameras(Sony). Business wise, they work great for my application.
Storm chasing wise, great for low light, great format but suck in lightning illuminated environments. I've done considerable research on CMOS
vs CCD and what I've see from these examples really is a little frustrating. I can speak from experience and state that 90% of all the tornadoes
I've videotaped were either in low light environments or near/after dark. I've read on another forum that most of the DC Storm Chasers series was shot
on Sony Z7 cameras which are CMOS based. The lightning in some of the footage was a little bothersome because of the rolling shutter.
Did anyone else notice this? Maybe it bothers me more now that I know what to look for.Would this persuade anyone from not purchasing a
CMOS based camera? I need to choose a camera in HD format and exceptional low light performance. This example is the best that I could find
with a Sony camera I would like to own.
Here is another example of CMOS and lightning.