Have a Facebook page? Now, no one one can see updates

Jan 14, 2011
St. Louis
Facebook has made a global change that only shows activity from people and pages you have recently interacted with. This means that if you have a page that you set up for chasing updates, most of the people who 'like' the page are not seeing anything you post. Likewise, you will not see posts from friends who you haven't recently interacted with, and they won't see yours.

You must go into a settings menu accessable at the bottom of the page to enable all posts to show up in your feed, but each and every user must do this. Only the ones that see this news and know how to change the setting will do it.

The end result? All of the effort you've put into building a page, contacts and friends is mostly for nothing - now most of them won't see anything you post at all.
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Another new change has made it tough to build a fan base on a new page...Facebook disabled the "Suggest to Friends" method of drawing people to like your page, only way to do so now is to bombard your friends newsfeeds with the "Share" option...No doubt facebook is getting greedy and seeing $$$ signs, guessing this is all an effort to force folks with a fan page to pay for the advertisement... So I've botched the fan page I was trying to create, and just NOW created a whole new profile page for chasing...I think it'll work a lot better, and enable me to segregate chasing from my normal social life... http://www.facebook.com/update_security_info.php?wizard=1#!/profile.php?id=100002100483814
I've noticed for quite some time that my news feed hides some posts and prioritizes other depending on how often I interact with them (or how often my friends do), including pages. If the feature wasn't in place, my news feed would just be awash with everyone's updates and it would take hours to scroll through everything.

I think it'll work a lot better, and enable me to segregate chasing from my normal social life

That's a good solution. I didn't like the idea of managing two separate profiles, so I put all of my friends into lists. You can define who sees what information, pictures, and updates by list. This is another good way to separate family, fans, and coworkers.
Frankly, I'm glad. FB for me is direct family and friends. Why would I build any sort of system/fan page on FB when I can do the same on my own site and earn the money I generate from ads there, rather than give the ad revenue to FB.

This is also why Twitter is a much better tool for business and the methods your working on with the FB page Dan. I'd seriously look at twitter more if you haven't already.
There has always been an algorithm in place to filter posts, but this takes it to a whole new level. You could have hundreds of followers on your page, and now only a handful of them could be getting updates when you post them. If you post infrequently, it could conceivably be going out to no one (if no one recently interacted)! As little as 10 or 20 out of 200 friends could be getting your status updates now, much less if you are an infrequent poster. What makes it frustrating is that we have no way of knowing or tracking how much of your updates are going unseen. You could be typing into thin air, all of your efforts to post updates going to complete waste.
They've changed Facebook so people can't even see any updates? That sounds stupid and like them shooting themselves in the foot.

I was considering joining Facebook for such a purpose but sounds like now I might as well not even bother.
Do you have that update news story? I haven't changed anything yet don't see anything different about my "recent posts" page.
Do you have that update news story? I haven't changed anything yet don't see anything different about my "recent posts" page.
I checked that setting on my FB account, and it was already set to show all posts. In my case, apparently nothing has changed.