Just to be clear, GR3 is a great program for storm chasing. I have it as well as GR2 and GR2AE. Despite the much better resolution of GR2, GR3 is arguably the more effective tool for field operation. I look at it as a blunt instrument--it gives me the big picture quickly and includes some helpful eye candy and data, such as meso markers and VIL, that GR2 doesn't offer. Also--and Rob or anyone more informed than I can correct me if I'm wrong--I believe you get downloads faster.
GR2 is great for drilling down to details that GR3 doesn't show, and it gives you all tilt levels where GR3 only gives you the lower four (which are usually all you need). But I believe it's a bit slower, and if you want SRV--which of course you do--then you've got to set the direction yourself, and reset it as the storm evolves, whereas GR3 does that automatically.
What I'm saying is, there's a tradeoff. I'm not sure whether you feel you made the wrong move purchasing GR3, but you didn't. And now that TDWR is becoming available at various locations, you'll get at least some hi-res L3. But it can't hurt to add GR2 to your toolkit. Maybe it will become your primary tool, or maybe it will serve as an adjunct to GR3. Either way, at $80 per software product, you can't go wrong.
BTW, GR2AE is incredible, but it's not very practical for chasing. When you're in the field, you want to be focusing on the storms, not the radar.