Greensburg tornado pics thread

Jun 26, 2004
Italy/Tornado Alley
Hi all, it's months that I'm looking for some pictures of Greensburg tornado but I really didn't find any close images of that monster.

I exhort all of you that chased that tornadic supercell to post some images of the tornado,to compare each other, so that this thread could become as a collection of the Greensburg tornado pics.

Thanks to all for your involvement


i wasnt real close, but that tornado was so big, if i had gotten any closer, you wouldnt have been able to see it.
I've received an email from a couple who is putting together a non-profit book, and are requesting photos of it, for the cover and for the content.

We are publishing a book of tornado experiences as a non-profit thank-you to all the workers who helped the people of Greensburg with rescue, survival, clean-up, and re-building.

They also would like to interview anyone on the damage survey team. If anyone is interested in donating a photo (s) (Video captures will work too), or sharing their knowledge, send me a pm or email me @ [email protected] and I will send you their email to get in contact with them.
Greensburg Pics

I grabbed a bunch of pictures of damage to Greensburg while volunteering in May and June: (Under the "Volunteering In Greensburg" set) Habitat for Humanity is supposed to have projects in line for G'Burg; it would be a great opportunity for chasers to help them recover. Whew.. they need all the help they can get.
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Thanks to all who gave their photos/stories to Eric and Fern Unruh. I received 2 copies of the book today and am just now glancing at it. Andy Fischer's photo is on the front cover and Mark Humpage is on the back cover!! Joel Genung and Steve Bluford's are inside the book too.

The book is entitled, "Tornado! Up From The Debris...To Thank God." I'm not sure if its' for sale or not, but it's over 150 pages of personal accounts from that night, and was published to honor of all of the rescue workers and volunteers who helped aid in the cleanup and search and rescue efforts.
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I'll be looking for the book around on the internet myself, but if you are able to find a place where I can order or request the book, I'd appreciate it. I would definitely like to get a copy of that book.

Thanks in advance!
