Greensburg Documentary

Feb 22, 2004
Golden, CO
So there I was getting our popcorn to see Indiana Jones and on the monitor a trailer started running showing Greensburg Kansas. The guy behind me in line said "they are rebuilding that town after a tornado" - I said yeah I was chasing till 2am that night.

A google search found this site:

Looks like this is Leonard DiCaprio's documentary on the new to launch Planet Green channel (Science Channel renamed?). Still trying to find out when this show plays.
The Planet Green Channel is going to take over for the Discovery Home Channel which is channel 286 on DirecTV. The official channel change occurs at 6PM ET on June 4.

The documentary itself premiers the evening of either June 14 or 15. I can't remember off hand which and I can't find it on their website.
Yeah, I saw a trailer for this in some hotel we stayed in in KS during our two weeks out there. Looks interesting. The hotel had the trailer looping in the lobby. Sadly, I don't have the channel and will have to wait for a rebroadcast, DVD, or Webcast version.
The Weather Channel was showing information on it about a month or so ago. I don't remember seeing when it would be braodcast though. Maybe information about it is on The Weather Channel's web site. If I find out anything, I'll let you know. Looks pretty interesting from what I saw.
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It was on Discovery tonight. It seems to be a decent idea but I get the impression there is an undercurrent of anger/frustration/impatience that the rebuilding process isn't further along. You could clearly see a few people were not interested in this "green" plan one little bit...they just wanted their lives (read: town) back sooner rather than greener.
I just finished watching the first episode and it was fantastic. I can understand their frustration but what a chance to get it right once and for all! All the annoyances that people dealt with on a daily occurrence gone and made right. Just speaking of my little town. Imagine building a house that don't have to use power from a station and having a negative electric bill. That street that is bumpy as hell would finally be fixed. The businesses of town could finally all be together in a town center. The stupid railroad track wouldn't be in the middle of town cutting us off from emergency services. There's just so much they can do right for once. I just hope after a year now they are still on track. Hopefully I can get over there in a couple weeks to check it out.
I have to say that the part that really got to me was when the teenage boy described losing his grandfather. I just totally lost it at that point. As chasers, I think it's easy for us to try to move past the things we see sometimes ... but a show like that reminds us that here it is a year later, and those people are still struggling to put their lives back together. It's a monumental task, and I don't think any of us could really understand it unless it happened to us.