Forecast School is back

Dec 4, 2003
After a 4-year hiatus, I'm glad to announce that the Forecast School has resumed this year, with brand new material and a variety of offerings from map analysis to a beginner crash course. It will be held in Norman, Oklahoma, same as we did earlier this decade.

Certification in each of the courses is also offered, optionally and at no extra cost.

This post is actually my first one in about a month, as I've had about a hundred things going on on the home front, and once again I'm working to balance out my free time! I apologize if you've PMd me recently or tried contacting me about an issue.

Tim Vasquez
Would you or have you considered doing an online version or posting the materials online for those of us not local to Norman? I'd love to attend something like this, but alas, I live many miles away.
I would also like to see a online version myself.
Being 1100 miles from Norman, I cannot attend
the classes. Perhaps you could do ppt presentations
videos, streaming it live,etc if you did a online version.
I just went to the website. What happened to the dates for classes? I don't see them listed anymore.
I had to scale back the April classes as I was too optimistic about my schedule and we have a close relative undergoing surgery, which has kind of put things up in the air. The May classes, though, should go forward and I expect these will be re-added by this weekend.

I vote for an online version(s) of the offerings as well. It sounds like from your website that it is more personalized 1:1 training. That would be hard to cater to everyone's needs via the web. Maybe some sort of WebEx session for us Michigan folks would be viable.