Footage of Aurora, NE supercell/tornado?, May 29th 2008

Feb 6, 2006
Reading, England
Hi all,

I was reviewing last year's videos and I've uploaded the following top YouTube. We were south of Aurora, NE, on May 29th as the huge HP supercell's RFD was approaching us. I *think* I've caught the tornado on the right hand side of the RFD (as viewed by us)...apologies for the the rather wobbly footage - we didn't care to hang around for very long, and soon blasted east. The gas station in the video took a pounding from the RFD, and suffered damage, as did some vehicles (including some chaser vehicles).


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Very possible. I was right behind this and actually driving in the heaviest of the rain, saw at least 15 semis flipped over, ended up driving across a power line and narrowly avoided the pole it was attached to which inadvertenly had came across the road and slammed into some poor bystanders vehicle. I would estimate I was about a mile behind the tornado the whole time with visibility at it's best 10 feet infront of my vehicle... because about a miles after all that there was still debris in the fences and i came up on that gas station... great video
Thanks Darren & Andy! Although I know HP storms are not always the favoured type for chasing, I must admit I love seeing them, and find them fascinating, and extremely awe-inspiring (although that's true of all severe wx too!).