Eric Nguyen Chaser Gathering Details

Dec 11, 2003
Denton, Texas
Please join us in honoring our friend and fellow chaser Eric Nguyen on Saturday, September 22nd from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the National Weather Center in Norman, Oklahoma. This will be a relatively informal event, but because the NWC is a federal facility, and is secured as such, it's necessary for each person attending to RSVP so that name tags can be created.

Your RSVP can be made very easily on this webpage:

The event will be catered free of charge. We don't have any formal program planned (Eric would bristle at the idea), but we'll likely show some pictures, video, maybe a few slides nobody has seen before, and generally mill around and talk. No dress code beyond what you would ordinarily have to wear to get into a government building. It's important that people RSVP so we know how much food to buy and because it's not clear how we could admit those who aren't on the list or who don't have a nametag waiting. Again, the University of Oklahoma has donated this space free of charge and we want to respect their few conditions. NOTE: ALL ADULTS MUST PRESENT A VALID FORM OF I.D. TO ENTER NWC

After the event, we'll likely migrate somewhere else, as chasers tend to do. We can talk about that later.

Last, we've created a webpage with all this information and where we'll post updates. Please refer to this page for information on the scholarship fund or the gathering in Eric's honor. We will update this page first and I can't guarantee that updates to or other online forums will be as timely. Please feel free to direct questions to me. Bob Fritchie and Rachael Sigler did all the work for this and they already have very busy lives; so I'm happy to follow up with questions the page might not answer.

Again, please thank Bob and Rachael who have moved mountains in the midst of a terrible loss.
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How do you want those with NWC access (e.g. OU students, NSSL personnel, etc) to fill out the RSVP? I know the RSVP is being used to get a number for food and other purposes (so I assume everyone fills it out), but those who work in the building don't need a nametag made. Just trying to save someone from making unnecessary nametags (assuming the nametages are to be used for security purposes) :)

My guess is that everybody should RSVP, to give us an accurate count for security purposes and to know how much BBQ to have delivered. Also, Rachael pointed out that everyone must bring a valid form of I.D. to enter the building.


More on this question:

"We have been told that they want to make name tags for everyone. We have to provide a list to the security desk prior to the event so that they have the info on who was in the building (federal regulation). I know it seems redundant as about ½ the ppl in Norman will have either an OU research campus ID, student ID, or a federal NOAA ID, but they still asked to make sure they have a list of everyone and we have to turn in that list a few days before the event. They said it would be easier if the security had a uniform way to identify everyone as some put ID's around the neck, some hang on pockets on pants, some hang at the bottom of shirts, etc. "

So please RSVP as soon as possible, even if you're not 100% certain you can attend.
We have agreed with NWC for a noon Friday (9-21) deadline for people to RSVP to the Saturday get-together in Norman. This is necessary for security reasons and the printing of nametags, and to give us an idea of how much food to buy. If you don't RSVP, it's unlikely you'll be able to get in.

For those who have RSVP'd already, please remember to bring a valid form of I.D. (drivers license, etc) to gain entrance to the NWC. Like we mentioned before, the university has kindly donated this space and time free of charge and we want to respect their few conditions. The get-together begins at 5:00 PM on Saturday Sept 22.

Here's the place to RSVP:

Thanks, all.
I wanted to say thanks to everyone who attended the get-together on Saturday in Norman. Eric's family was moved by the expressions of admiration from so many, and I think they walked away with a deeper understanding of Eric's place among chasers. Personally, it was gratifying to see how many thought so highly of Eric as a chaser and a human being. He well deserved those sorts of observations he would have never made about himself.

Particular thanks to Dr. Kevin Kloesel and the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences, Mike Masgig for working so hard on the Science on a Sphere, and Dr. Doswell for a powerful introductory talk about Eric and the importance of taking the time to meet and know others. Eric's very close friends Bob Fritchie and Rachael Sigler worked all week on the scholarship, the get-together, catering, and every other detail of the weekend, along with housing guests from out of state. The staff of the NWC graciously offered tours of their beautiful facility.

To Bob, Rachael, Scott B., Scott C., Paul, Steve V, Rob, Jeff L, and Jason P., I think we did right by him, guys. It was a send-off worthy of our friend.

Agree completely Amos...very glad to have been there...and see so many people I have not met before, or have not seen in a long time, or have seen in fleeting glimpses out on the chase trail. I appreciate all the hard work you did for your buddy Eric. Yes he would have been proud. Dr. Doswell certainly deserves a great thank you for his words to think about as a chaser and Eric's phenomenal career as a chaser, etc.
I too agree. Very glad to have made it. It was great to see some of you I had not gotten the chance to meet before or hadn't seen in a very long time. Most importantly though, the respect that Eric carried through his chasing career is just amazing. He was truely a genuine person. Thanks to everyone for the hard work put into getting it all together.
Saturday's gathering in honor or Eric befitted the memory of this respected chaser immensely - thanks in no short part to the planning and care taken by Amos, Bob, Rachael and so many others who made it happen. Thank you all so much for giving all of us the possibility to come together and celebrate Eric's life and achievements.

I have incorporated a couple of the images from the event that I took at Coach's sports bar (where we went to raise a glass to Eric) HERE in a short article dedicated to Eric on my Blog. I have what seems like millions of images but I haven't managed to process very many of them yet. Hopefully they'll show up somwhere at some point or another.
