Educational Section Archives

Shane Adams

I've been chomping at the bit to get in on these newb threads the past week, but unfortunately I've "been away" once again due to circumstances beyond my control (for now anyway).

I'd like to draw attention (especially you newbies) to the Educational Section Archives....that is to say, go back to the very first (oldest) page and just start's all there. Everything you could think to ask or want to know and more.

I went through there myself yesterday, and did some "refresher courses" from some of the contributions by Gene Moore, one of ST's most experienced, wise, and friendly members. His posts (as well as several others') are absolute gold. I'd suggest a re-emphasis by the ST brass on this educational forum (particularly the older posts) as they were created back when the Educational forum was brand new, and thus, most of the typical questions we see asked here repeatedly were "asked first" back then, hence the wealth of knowledge.
I've been chomping at the bit to get in on these newb threads the past week, but unfortunately I've "been away" once again due to circumstances beyond my control (for now anyway).

I'd like to draw attention (especially you newbies) to the Educational Section Archives....that is to say, go back to the very first (oldest) page and just start's all there. Everything you could think to ask or want to know and more.

I went through there myself yesterday, and did some "refresher courses" from some of the contributions by Gene Moore, one of ST's most experienced, wise, and friendly members. His posts (as well as several others') are absolute gold. I'd suggest a re-emphasis by the ST brass on this educational forum (particularly the older posts) as they were created back when the Educational forum was brand new, and thus, most of the typical questions we see asked here repeatedly were "asked first" back then, hence the wealth of knowledge.

With anticipated new members possible, bumpage on this seems like a good idea.
Thanks for pointing this thread out Shane. You've probably saved me from asking dozens of stupid questions.
Thanks, Shane, for recommending the archives, and Robert, for the link! This is a great resource, and the timing is perfect for some highly profitable winter reading.
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How have I missed this thread??

Can't wait to be done with school work for this semester so I can get some more weather smarts! My brain can only hold a certain amount of information at a time apparently!
