How terribly sad. She had no choice to get out.
Its something you could potentially do, but you'd basically have to jump out....the very important thing being you can't make contact with the car or the line (or anything else) when you make contact with the ground (actually there's a distance you can't even come within -based on voltage- because electricity can jump)
In an ideal situation, the system *should* detect a problem and cut power (sometimes with 2-3 re-trys before permanently cutting it). But ideal situation and *should* doesn't always equate to *will do it*.
Powerlines aren't something aren't something you want to f--- around with. always assume a line is live, even is it isn't sparking or buzzing. Even if it is dead, there is that re-try on fault mentioned above that could happen, there is also the fact someone farther down the line could manually switch it on (again something that shouldn't happen until the lines have been inspected, but you just never know).