Robert Edmonds
Hello all,
Since I'm still working out the oddities in the upper air data at my website, I decided to put that on the back burner and move forward with another idea...
Recently, I added divergence and curl maps derived from level 2 data for the lowest elevation scan. I have added an about section for these maps on my website which should explain a little bit about these maps, although I am sure I will expand on the section. I partly came up with this idea after reading Vasquez's book, Weather Forecasting Handbook. The book has a nice section on interpreting radar which might also help to explain some ideas behind these maps.
So how does this help, you might ask... The curl map gives a measure of rotation, and the div, or divergence, map gives a measure of the divergence and/or convergence. So, a cyclonic rotating storm will show up red because this produces positive curl on the maps. The amount of convergence can indicate whether a storm is strengthening or weakening. So, a storm with convergence, or negative divergence, will show up as blue on the divergence maps.
The maps are currently updated every ~10mins. My computer currently processes these maps for ~8 sites. The radar sites which will have the maps produced for the day will usually change day to day. You can even email me and ask for a site to have the maps produced for a day. If for nothing else go take a look at those level 2 reflectivity images.
The maps can be found at,
and the link which explains a little bit about this can be found at
Again I would love to hear about any comments or suggestions you have for the site (I'm still am not sold on the range I should use for the color bar). Also if you find a broken link please email me... Since it is new there will probably be some kinks to work out.
From KFTG today...
Reflectivity Map
Divergence Map
Since I'm still working out the oddities in the upper air data at my website, I decided to put that on the back burner and move forward with another idea...
Recently, I added divergence and curl maps derived from level 2 data for the lowest elevation scan. I have added an about section for these maps on my website which should explain a little bit about these maps, although I am sure I will expand on the section. I partly came up with this idea after reading Vasquez's book, Weather Forecasting Handbook. The book has a nice section on interpreting radar which might also help to explain some ideas behind these maps.
So how does this help, you might ask... The curl map gives a measure of rotation, and the div, or divergence, map gives a measure of the divergence and/or convergence. So, a cyclonic rotating storm will show up red because this produces positive curl on the maps. The amount of convergence can indicate whether a storm is strengthening or weakening. So, a storm with convergence, or negative divergence, will show up as blue on the divergence maps.
The maps are currently updated every ~10mins. My computer currently processes these maps for ~8 sites. The radar sites which will have the maps produced for the day will usually change day to day. You can even email me and ask for a site to have the maps produced for a day. If for nothing else go take a look at those level 2 reflectivity images.
The maps can be found at,
and the link which explains a little bit about this can be found at
Again I would love to hear about any comments or suggestions you have for the site (I'm still am not sold on the range I should use for the color bar). Also if you find a broken link please email me... Since it is new there will probably be some kinks to work out.
From KFTG today...
Reflectivity Map

Divergence Map

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