Allan Jeffers
Since I did not actually get in a car and chase this puppy as it passed overhead, I guess I have to share what I saw here. I am up by the arsenal, near 56th and chambers, the storm just went severe after it passed over my location and contined on a northeast direction toward commerce city. Sadly, I had a lot of foreground clutter and trees in the way so probably not the best.
And some HD video shot with the 5DmkII: (turn your speakers down - its windy) You may also hear the sirens
If you look carefully you can see some mild rotation
Sorry, it looks like I just broke the rules since 48 hours has not passed. Should I delete this post?
And some HD video shot with the 5DmkII: (turn your speakers down - its windy) You may also hear the sirens
If you look carefully you can see some mild rotation
Sorry, it looks like I just broke the rules since 48 hours has not passed. Should I delete this post?