Delorme Gazatteer Atlas Sale

Mark Blue

Former owner (RIP)
Feb 19, 2007
I received an e-mail today from Delorme indicating they are having a 50% off sale on all of their paper Gazatteer atlases. They are also offering a 33% discount on boxed sets. If you use priority code 9857 when you check out you will receive the discount. The sale is valid until Friday, August 12th at midnight. I just thought I'd pass this along for those who use these when chasing.
I had 7 before I placed my order of 12 more, so now I will have 19 total. These new atlases will cover a vast majority of US territory and should include any state I will probably ever chase in. Now the trick will be to figure out how to carry these on future chasecations as they are heavy to say the least! The 7 I own now make the backpack I carry them in feel like there are gold bricks in there.
Only one more day to purchase these at half price for those who may have missed this. Just use Priority Code 9857 when you check out to receive 50% off or see my original post. The sale ends tomorrow 08/12/11 at midnight.
Delorme has this same sale as found in the OP going on this weekend until Sunday at midnight. Use priority code 9871 when you check out and you'll see the discounts. Just an FYI in case you use these when chasing.