Dan Robinson
Do we have any government weather data webmasters reading ST? If so, I would like to pass on a plea on behalf of the meteorological and storm chaser communities:
Do you really have to change your web site domain or URL? If you absolutely must move a site or change a URL, please use the very simple 301 redirect so that the thousands of people who have bookmarked your site don't have to update their links.
The frequency at which this type of thing happens is really quite ridiculous. For example, is it really necessary to change hpc.ncep.noaa.gov to wpc.ncep.noaa.gov? You're willing to do something *that* disruptive to change ONE letter in the domain?! If a web-clueless supervisor ordered this change, then so be it - but at least keep the DNS entry for the old domain and add this tiny little file called .htaccess in the old site's root folder:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*) http://wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/$1 [R=301,L]:
Or, just alias the old domain to the new. Either way, it's not that difficult and takes virtually no resources or time to do so.
Furthermore, by changing URLs, you wipe out your search engine listings, backlinks, bookmarks and annoy all of your users who have to continually update their bookmarks and web pages. In this day and age, there's no reason to do something so disruptive and unnecessary.
Do you really have to change your web site domain or URL? If you absolutely must move a site or change a URL, please use the very simple 301 redirect so that the thousands of people who have bookmarked your site don't have to update their links.
The frequency at which this type of thing happens is really quite ridiculous. For example, is it really necessary to change hpc.ncep.noaa.gov to wpc.ncep.noaa.gov? You're willing to do something *that* disruptive to change ONE letter in the domain?! If a web-clueless supervisor ordered this change, then so be it - but at least keep the DNS entry for the old domain and add this tiny little file called .htaccess in the old site's root folder:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*) http://wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/$1 [R=301,L]:
Or, just alias the old domain to the new. Either way, it's not that difficult and takes virtually no resources or time to do so.
Furthermore, by changing URLs, you wipe out your search engine listings, backlinks, bookmarks and annoy all of your users who have to continually update their bookmarks and web pages. In this day and age, there's no reason to do something so disruptive and unnecessary.
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