Current Weather Web Site

Update on my weather data site, I am done with Nebraska, except
for some work on the guidance page and the tornado data will take
some time. For those who are interested in Nebraska weather, the link is below.

Weather Data for Nebraska:

I am working on finishing up the states this month for
Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma.

Feel free to add me as a friend to Facebook.
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It is indeed a TON easier to find Earl's products through Mike's design. Give it a try!
All the COD URL's have probably changed. We've been working on our new website all morning and the first thing to happen was a seperation of the data from the html

If it's broke...try changing http://weather to http://climate


For me, it keeps showing a page that says the following: Did you want I'm assuming it's still a work in progress. Can't wait to see the new site.