Copyright protocol for model data, radar and WX maps

Jan 14, 2011
St. Louis
I spent some time this evening digging around some of the data provider web sites to try and get a definitive answer on this, but could not find much. Hopefully some of the providers or their reps read this site and can respond.

I'm curious what the copyright protocol is for posting images from various software and data providers on web sites and on social media. Being strict enforcers of our own copyrights (as we can and should do), it's only fair we consider the copyrights of the various data providers and software packages we all use. I'm interested in what the license is for images and screen captures from sources like:

- College of Dupage
- WxWorx (Threat Net)
- GRLevel3
- Radarscope
- WxCaster
- HazWx
- OK Mesonet
- Spotter Network
- TwisterData

And others (you get the idea).

I know some of these providers offer media licenses for on-air broadcast use, but would like to know what the proper protocol is for most end users (chasers) posting on social media, blogs, web sites, forums and the like. I know any data or map sourced completely on NOAA/NWS servers has no restriction, but a third-party formatting of the data (like COD radar) would be copyrighted. Any information would be appreciated!
Most (all?) sites, for non-commercial use, will let you post/share model images if the data used to make those maps are FREELY AVAILABLE on the internet (like the GFS, NAM, select basic maps from the ECMWF like the 850mb, etc.). Model maps that you can only find behind pay walls (i.e. ones that the distributor has to pay for the data used to make the maps) need permission from the distributor before posting/sharing.

Another general rule that I use is that if the distributor has a watermark on their model image, make sure that any cropping does not remove the watermark. Not really a necessity, but a courtesy.
I've been mulling these exact same thoughts over for the past few weeks Dan since rejoining WeatherBELL. I read through the terms on their website and was left with the impression that I cannot retransmit their model images. I would love to include screen shots of model data when I post in different threads, but I also don't want to get in trouble either. Funny thing about it though, Dr. Ryan Maue sends out model images all the time via Twitter, but he works there so maybe he gets a free pass. His images have the WeatherBELL logo and so forth removed from them, so they just show the screen capture image and the header information (0Z or 12Z, 500 mb heights and wind speeds, forecast time period for example).
I can speak for RadarScope. We actually encourage the sharing of images on social or otherwise. Shares drive sales due to exposure and we like sales! We even have a version of RS for media use to take the output to television... Again, exposure.
Remember when using RS, you can share right from the app and the output will be a very clean image for our viewers/followers.

(Note: some cool stuff is coming for RS in the near future.)
I can speak for HazWx! Anything you see on the site is fair game to post and share away. In fact, we welcome and encourage it and have built sharing capabilities into our maps!

The issue I think that arises with some websites and the ECMWF is the redistribution rules set forth in their data contract. That is why their users cannot share. We currently do not have any ECMWF products (besides the WMO Essential products we are toying with), so we do not have that issue.

We have our logo on our maps and see any share as both as an opportunity to spread valuable weather information as well as spread the word about our site!

Thanks for bringing this up!