It's actually pretty complex, Adam. You have to consider things like the sloped terrain (and the fact that it's higher than in the rest of the Midwest/Plains/Southeast US) and how that impacts the existence of the ingredients. One thing that is pretty commonly discussed on this forum is the idea that, since a "better" measure of moisture content in the atmosphere is mixing ratio rather than dewpoint, and since dewpoint is a function of pressure as well as of moisture content, the same dewpoint values don't always correspond to the same mixing ratio values when the elevation of the terrain differs. Also, because the near-surface air responds strongly to insolation, the potential temperature varies in a strange way relative to a standard atmosphere. Generally, as you increase in elevation, the temperature should decrease. If air were neutrally stratified such that the lapse rate was dry adiabatic, the potential temperature should be constant in horizontal distance, meaning surface temperature should decrease with height. However, due to the influence of terrain on heating, what's almost always observed along the high plains is that the temperature remains roughly constant with distance so that potential temperature tends to be higher over higher altitudes. This impacts the thermodynamic characteristics of air parcels as well. Consider also that it is difficult for moisture to be lifted over taller surfaces, and in fact, the SGP dryline is simply the area where the upper level of the "deep" or "good" moisture coming off the Gulf of Mexico becomes so thin it contains only the surface air parcels. You will probably never see dewpoints much greater than 60 F west of US 385 or so (give or take) for that reason alone.
Also consider that when a trough is moving over the Rockies, the vortex is compressed initially, then stretches once it moves out over the plains. Because of the conservation of potential vorticity and because of the impacts from downsloping winds, lee troughs commonly form well ahead of the actual upper level vort max. However, the lee trough frequently forms well east of the Front Range (in many cases well over 100 miles east of the peak of the Front Range). This causes westerly winds behind the trough, which doesn't promote moisture transport or shear as well as the flow east of the trough. This lee troughing also influences the low-level jet. The LLJ is rarely observed to reach far into CO. This also impacts low-level shear (i.e., it implies strong low-level shear is rarely present).
None of the above means that the ingredients for strong tornadoes CAN'T come together, just that it happens to be rare for them to. If you can get a system that pulls in a very deep layer of quality moisture from the Gulf that is not impeded or pushed back out by cold frontal surges or dry air advection from Mexico, and if you can happen to get the lee trough to form farther west (closer to the Front Range) you should be able to get the ingredients commonly found in significant tornado environments.