Cold spell to replace global warming?

Wouldn't it be nice if he's right...? But his evidence is -- uh -- a little lacking. Also, this paragraph from his article doesn't exactly enhance his scientific creds for reasons too tedious to explore:rolleyes::
Carbon dioxide has quite a different pernicious influence—not on the climate but on synoptic activity. It absorbs infrared radiation. When tropospheric air is warm enough for complete absorption, radiation energy passes into gas fluctuations. Gas expands and dissolves to send warm air up to the stratosphere, where it clashes with cold currents coming down. With no noticeable temperature changes, synoptic activity skyrockets to whip up cyclones and anticyclones. Hence we get hurricanes, storms, tornados and other natural disasters, whose intensity largely depends on carbon dioxide concentration. In this sense, reducing its concentration in the air will have a positive effect.
wow. i sure-as-hell hope so. it would seriously make my week. or month. i will probably have to have facial surgery from smiling too much. im just sooo sick and tired of all the GW hype. its everywhere i go. people are always talking about it and its been really hard not to rant and scream at people in grocery stores, work, skateparks, EVERYWHERE! it may not have scientific evidence behind it, but im praying for it to work out that way.

you know, my post will not really add anything, but im bored and i dont care.
Carbon dioxide has quite a different pernicious influence—not on the climate but on synoptic activity. It absorbs infrared radiation. When tropospheric air is warm enough for complete absorption, radiation energy passes into gas fluctuations. Gas expands and dissolves to send warm air up to the stratosphere, where it clashes with cold currents coming down. With no noticeable temperature changes, synoptic activity skyrockets to whip up cyclones and anticyclones. Hence we get hurricanes, storms, tornados and other natural disasters, whose intensity largely depends on carbon dioxide concentration. In this sense, reducing its concentration in the air will have a positive effect.

If you check closely (and I didn't get it until the second time through), this is a poor translation from the original Russian (i.e., 'hothouse' rather than 'greenhouse' effect). So, I would be careful judging the scientific validity of the words as translated.

I certainly hope is he wrong... colder temperatures are bad for humanity. The huge, continent-wide crop failures of the 70's (after 25-year period of 'global cooling') are proof of that. Australia, after two cooler years in a row, has had major crop failures. There is a looming crop/food shortage:

Forget oil, the new global crisis is food
BMO strategist Donald Coxe warns credit crunch and soaring oil prices will pale in comparison to looming catastrophe

Alia McMullen, Financial Post
Published: Friday, January 04, 2008

A new crisis is emerging, a global food catastrophe that will reach further and be more crippling than anything the world has ever seen. The credit crunch and the reverberations of soaring oil prices around the world will pale in comparison to what is about to transpire, Donald Coxe, global portfolio strategist at BMO Financial Group said at the Empire Club's 14th annual investment outlook in Toronto on Thursday.

"It's not a matter of if, but when," he warned investors. "It's going to hit this year hard."

Mr. Coxe said the sharp rise in raw food prices in the past year will intensify in the next few years amid increased demand for meat and dairy products from the growing middle classes of countries such as China and India as well as heavy demand from the biofuels industry.

"The greatest challenge to the world is not US$100 oil; it's getting enough food so that the new middle class can eat the way our middle class does, and that means we've got to expand food output dramatically," he said.

The complete article is available at:
Interesting. I was watching a show ( I believe on the Science channel) the other day that was talking about continental drift and evolution of the Earth along with people and animals on it. They have evidence of places in the middle of the desert (in Africa I believe) that once had plentiful running water. They mentioned that this was due to regular long period solar oscillation cycles causing more heating / less heating of Earth with often dramatic results.

Correction: While the above in the show was related to solar heating, I seem to recall now that it was because the Earth has a very long term wobble in it's orbit which causes it to be nearer the Sun for many years and then further away. I probably need to find the show and get the exact quote again. I recall the scene where it was described showed a rock face in the desert where ancient peoples had drawn images of people swimming in abundant water in what is now extreme desert.
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Well 2008 may actually be a little cooler globally than recent years, mainly because of the very strong La Nina which is developing. Even so, it's still likely to be a top 10 year, and even La Nina years these days are almost as warm as El Nino ones were 20-30 years ago.
For reasons other than mentioned so far, this is a distinct possibility.
It has to do with the potential shutting down of the Gulf Current, due to the release of fresh water into the salt water system.
The Pentagon released a very alarming report about this possibility three or four years ago, and declared this possibility to be more serious to our national - and global security- than any terroristic threats.

Of course anything at this time is pure conjecture. The only thing that is certain is that we are running an non-controlled scientific experiment with humanity by our continuing wanton burning of fossil fuels and lack of commitment to impliment appropriate alternatives.
We have three hypothesis at present: The earth will get warmer, the earth will get cooler, there will be no change except solar induced.
Most scientists declare that at least for the short time, it will get warmer.

We have three hypothesis at present: The earth will get warmer, the earth will get cooler, there will be no change except solar induced.
Most scientists declare that at least for the short time, it will get warmer.

Actually, the earth is not warming and hasn't been for a while. Take a look at the satellite temperature record (generally believed to be more accurate than surface stations) at: (scroll to bottom).