Sitting here attm in the Limon, Colo. Holiday Inn Express's breakfast room at 6:30am, naturally the "s--t" fountain" aka the "television" in the room was tuned to the morning propaganda channel (GMA) and blaring loudly. The cookie-cutter / leggy hostesses in short skirts propped up on high chairs and highly coiffed talking head men continued milking the tragedy.....making the announcement that the poor ship has been righted and they've upped the death count even more. Being that I've literally almost drowned 3 separate times in my life.... most recently 2yrs. ago in Costa Rica when the morons who operated the river-rafting tour overcrowded our raft and we flipped in level-5 rapids....I can promise you that drowning is a horrible way to lose your life. This is because often you're fully conscious and are aware of everything that is taking place as you fight for your life. I didn't realize, according to GMA, that the Captain of the ship and some of the crew were actually in Police Custody in China. Why would this be? If this truly WAS a tornado that flipped this ship, what more could the crew have done? I'm not arguing against the lockup of the Captain and crew.....I don't know the accusations against them. GMA stated that only 14 people have survived this debacle so far. Can you imagine being one of the elderly passengers on this cruise?? One moment you're enjoying the high life.....laughing, eating the most extravagant foods, slamming down cocktails, gambling + dancing.... (not my things, but we're talking cruise ships).....and in seconds you're hearing screaming winds unlike any you've ever heard....then feeling the ship list over and turning your entire world literally upside down. Sighhhhh....such is life on our planet.